
5 Years
May 29, 2019
Help! It's been one thing after another--scratch that, multiple things overlapping for my poor chickens. I just started a de-worming regimen yesterday after evidence of roundworms in a couple poops. I thought the culprit might be my 1.5 y/o EE, who had just started molting, stopped laying, and has been eating less. Other than being slightly dialed down (staying in the coop 5 min longer than the others in the morning, not gorging herself like she used to), she's been quite bright and active--tail up, red comb, runs around while free ranging.

However, a few days ago I noticed she had been shaking her head frequently. Then, tonight, right before roosting time, I noticed she has clear bubbles in one of her eyes--not a ton, but I know that's a red flag in what I've read about. So what could it be and how do I best treat her? Poor thing has worms and a tough molt already on her plate! I want to act fast!

P.S. I haven't noticed any additional respiratory symptoms.

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