Close call-One Lucky Chicken

new chickie

In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 4, 2007
Today, since I was home all day with DH, we decided to let all the GH and chickens roam the yard, as the pen is so muddy.
They weren't out but 5 mins. when a hawk struck...Stunned the chicken, and before he could attach my DH scared it the time I got to her, she was laying on her side, still breathing, but one eye closed. I have her in the barn under a heat lamp with food and water...put some vits. in water...she's alert, but her one eye is still closed. Not sure if damaged.
So lucky she's alive...if ok tomorrow I may put her back with the other.
Does she having any bleeding from eye? Hopefully just a scratch, hopefully she will heal well. Good Luck with her recovery.
So far her eye is still closed, looks alittle sunken in ? no bleeding or discharge from eye or nose are, yesterday she had a spot of blood on her beak...

she seems to be ok, she's drinking and eating (not much) I have seperated, still, 'cause I'm pretty sure the others will peak her, so...
I'm gonna tempt her with some grapes and cat food to get food into her...
poor thing, she really sweet.
Well this am her eye was still closed, but this afternoon when I went out it was open! At first I thought OMG, what happened to her good eye, then she turned her head and looked at me with the "good eye". So far, still no bleeding, should I be giving antibotics? I have an ointment for the eye, but haven't put anything on it...or in her water, only vits.
I'm so glad that she's alright! Maybe she just got the chicken equivalent to a black eye from being slammed into the ground by the hawk.

Extra hugs for your DH
Wow! One lucky chicken! You and your husband to quick to react and fight off the hawk. That is my fear! I hope baby girl is doing good. Let us know how she is doing. I have a chicken tractor I move around the yard, but keep it under the tree canopy.

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