Close call with neighbors dog AGAIN!

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I've also decided to try to remember to keep my camera in my pocket when I'm out with my free ranging chickens. If I'd had that the other day when the problem dog was at my driveway gate again a few yards from my ranging flock, the one who is supposed to be in his chain link fenced area, I'd have snapped his picture for the owner and whoever else it may concern, just in case.
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That too is a good idea. I had my cell phone on me yesterday, but was too busy trying to keep the 5 gallon pail at the dogs snout to get the phone! I am still so proud of my dog who came to my rescue. Hubby just asked why he is sleeping on the couch. He can sleep anywhere he wants! He is a shepherd/wolf hybred, on his way to the pound as a puppy when I took him in. I didn't have chickens at the time, but he is very protective of them now! I am pretty sure this dog would give his life for me. I called him off the neighbors dog yesterday when I saw her coming to get him. I dont want my dog getting hurt.
Set up game cameras around your property. That guy sounds like a whack job!
If you do end up shooting the dog just tell them you say a rattle snake and shot and missed it and the snake went down a hole. Then bury the dog somewhere remote and deep.

Definately find out who his parole officer is and have a chat with him. If you can get pics of the guy with guns or even get him threatening you he can be sent back to jail.
I am worried about the jerk sneeking over here in the middle of the night and harming my horses or cutting fence or some stupid thing. When they got their only ticket, I had flat backhoe tires within a week. Game cams would at least prove it was him, but won't bring back my animals if he decides to harm them. I have one old mare I have had for almost 20 years, hate to risk anything happening to her. I really just want the dog to disappear.

Oh boy; I know exactly how you feel. I'm dealing with neighbor dog problems now too (see my other thread.) Last time I had dealings with her she wrote me some vaguely threatening emails. People who know her told me to lock my doors and stay away from her. She is, quite frankly, NUTS. Which is the reason I haven't gotten aggressive about legal action till now. But I've had it this time. But I am worried about her coming over and killing the rest of my birds. Or my dog. Or me. Maybe time for cameras.
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