Cocci? Not sure...

So today is day 5 of their treatment (I'm using Corid) I saw another poop this morning with that red-ish stuff. But the last two days I didn't see any. I know which one it's coming from...and she (I think it's a she) is acting fine. Any suggestions? Should I treat a few extra days? Should I stop?

On a similar chicks are 11 weeks old...would it really be intestinal lining? I thought that only happened when they were about to start laying and or when they've been laying.:/
So glad Josefina made it! Today is the littles first day of integration with the big girls. Thanks again to everyone for your help and support to get her well. It seems she will always be a little scruffier than her sister, but that's okay :)

She'll catch up. Just give her some time. Glad to hear she made it.
I have a group with Araucanas and Orpingtons that I suspect have coccidiosis. Some just gasp and others have a cough/sneeze, runny eyes, and there are some with blood in their faeces. I sent my husband to the livestock store and they sold him some drops called cocci vet by Vetafarm. It says for pigeons and ornamental birds. I googled it and it actually says it can treat all birds. The active constituents are amprolium 80g and Ethopabate 5.1g, the bottle is 50ml. Does anyone have experience here. I am in Australia and I hear you all talk of corrid, but the store didn't know anything else to prescribe. Advice ANYONE? :he
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