Cocci... what it looks like, and what we did *Warning! poop-shots!*

To get chicks resistant to cocci, find a big ol' hen poop and drop it in the baby chicks water to drink.

Another thing I've tried with great results...mix powdered milk in with the starter crumbles after they turn 3 weeks old.

They don't sell medicated starter around here and I've never had cocci using these two methods.

So sorry for your loss.
I use start feed with Amprolium in it and my chick still got a terrible case of cecal coccoides. I ran out and bought sulmet today, but I am afraid it might be too late. She was looking really bad about 30 minutes ago.
If there's still time go get Corrid. Mix 1 tsp. in a quart of water. If she won't drink, just mix a little corrid powder in some eggs or oatmeal. See if she'll eat powdered milk.
Corrid is amprolium which the chicks already get in their feed so that wouldn't work, thanks anyway.

Mine were getting Amprolium in their feed, too, when they got it and the Amprol liquid in the water helped kick it.
If Sulmet is all you have, then start with that. I've heard that it can be hard on their tummies, though, so don't over-do it.

I hope she pulls through. Take away any extra protein, and make sure she's drinking.
Thanks for the encouragement. The people at the feed store told us sulmet is the best treatment, so we shall see. If she makes it through the night, we will give her a lower protein food, maybe a little yogurt would help? And lots of electrolytes.
Yes, the amprol in the starter is only a prevention. To cure it you need a stronger dose. I use Corrid.

I really don't know why powdered milk works but I've used it last few years and never had a problem with cocci. Just mix 1/2 starter, 1/2 milk powder.

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