coccidiosis and Diarrhea


Jul 6, 2021
I'm on the fifth day of treating my 5 girls for coccidiosis. The one hen had it, so I had to treat them all. The one that had it was extremely lethargic and looked in a bad way. After 48 hours of being treated with Coxoid, (I'm not sure if this is available in the U.S.) the difference was amazing, she is so much better. The only thing is, she still has diarrhea. I know it's one of the side effects of the treatment, but none of the others have it. Could it be that her system is just flushing out all the crap if you pardon the pun?
Give this particular chicken a drench dose of the Coxoid. If she's average weight, around 2kg, give around 3 to 4ml of the undiluted coccidiostat once a day for three days. That should take care of any remaining coccidia.

To further mitigate the diarrhea, feed boiled rice with yogurt or keifer or buttermilk stirred in. Also, a probiotic can help restore good microbes in the intestines.

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