Cochin Momma Wannabe


In the Brooder
10 Years
Oct 29, 2009
I've wanted to have a broody hen for many years and finally, last weekend it happened. (YAY!!!)
When I went out to gather the eggs, my cochin was all hunkered down in the nest; puffed up and picked at me when I took the eggs out. That's not like her at all - she's usually super friendly. She's been on the nest day and night for three days, eggs or not.
I really didn't know if I should leave her in the nest where she was or make her her own little coop. But yesterday we decided to fix her a nice quiet place in the back of the hay barn with her own nest.
We moved her last night and I asked DH to carry her while I used the flashlight to see where we were going. She was SO puffed up! Every feather on her was sticking right out straight! WE put her gently into the nestbox and she seemed to settle down pretty good.

I checked on her this morning but she looks like she's hypnotized or something. Is that the "trance" thing I read about or is something wrong with her? She seems like she's spaced out - off in her own little world.

We've hatched out chicks before in the incubator, but this is really something special for me. I've wanted to have a a Momma hen and chicks for as long as I've kept chickens. I'm just trying really hard to not get my hopes too high, this is her first time, after all.

Are cochins usually pretty successful on their first try? Maybe I should have left her in with the other hens and roo?
Mine was. I have a banty cochin that has only gone broody once... and she hatched them wonderfully and raised them with the whole flock with Zero problems
Cochins are wonderful birdies
One way to make your hen go broody is to go out and spend lots of money on an incubator. At least that's how it worked in my house.

We currently have a Giant Blue Cochin broody girl named Yoko. She's about 10 months old, and has become fierce (for a Cochin) about sitting on eggs. The onset coincided with the arrival of the Brinsea.

Cochins are the nicest and funniest birds. No egg song, just louder "screen door hinge" noises when laying. They would make good urban chickens due to this. Two of ours get stepped on because they are always underfoot and want to be scratched. The other isn't as friendly, unless you scratch her under the wings. And despite all the books, ours lay well - just not jumbo eggs.

We checked all three Cochins for the "broody spot", and Yoko was the only one with it. If you are brave enough, check her breast for a bare patch.

Good luck, I'd love to hear how things work out. Yoko has no fertile eggs (no roo) and is really miffed we keep stealing her pile.

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