Cochin Thread!!!

No, they are external parasites, like fleas on a dog. If they have a severe infestation the mites will suck all their blood. The bird turns pale and gets very weak and soon dies of anemia and starvation. Poor Jack, I didn't know he was suffering from them until it was too late. :( I thought I had eradicated them. I looked at them under my microscope and those little buggers are DISGUSTING!! So nasty. :/ And so hard to get rid of. I had some in a ziploc bag, watched them scurrying around in there like crazy, then poured in some Permethrin dip, and it stopped them dead in their tracks within minutes. Permethrin (10%) is the way to go. And burn the inside of the pens if you can. Grrrr!!!
For mites, I dip a really infested bird (bought two at an auction) in Adams flea and tick dip. I treat with Ivermectin and spray the pens with Permithrin and Ivermectin barn spray.
Tell me about burning the inside of the pens,.
I had a bad case of lice in May/June. I 'flea' dipped everyone, powdered the chickens with Sevin, sprayed the inside of the coops with permetherin, dusted the coops with poultry dust, treated everyone with Ivermectrin pour-on 10 days after and re-dusted the coops. I fought for over a month with the lice and decided to go nuclear. I was hoping the chemicals didn't kill the chickens, but it was a chance I was willing to take. Either that or have the lice kill them. Now I got this hen with lice and I am concerned she's going to be the start to a whole new round. I treated her with Ivermectrin and bathed her. After I strip her future coop and clean it, it will be dusted, too. She's still in the house in a cat carrier until Sunday. She'll still be housed alone for another 2wks, but I need her out of the house. I have some people from the hospital coming in to do a home eval. for the elderly lady I take care of. She's been in the hospital since March, but that's another story.
Been a VERY VERY rough week for me, rough past 10-12 days actually. One thing after another has happened and has about stretched me to my limit. Thing is, its nothing to do with my birds, they are all great and actually have the works or getting the two frizzle pullets I lost a while back replaced by a gentleman locally that bought eggs frpom me back in the Spring. He hatched 16 birds and of them 12 are frizzles, and I only ended up with 2 so we are trading some smooth birds for frizzles, also mau have some of these birds sold and rehomed that I have been trying to sale for weeks. Now, just hoping and waiting to see what exactly comes my way. Getting much closer to that time of year again as well, Fall showing season. Hope everyones birds are ready! I have birds dropping feathers like CRAZY. Hope all is well with everyone. So sorry to hear about the losses!

Thought I'd share a picture I took yesterday of one of my Mille Fleur project pullets, and my one and only (for now
) Frizzle!
LOVE that frizzle. Feathering is very good, nice and tight to the body. This computer is really wack as far as the screen color, so I cant tell if he is Blue or Black. Very pretty!

Nancy, I just got on a computer with a screen I can actually see what I need with. I also noticed he had black in his tail feathers,...... could be a start to a nice Red Tailed project. Specially with such good feathering.

Wanted to share new pictures of my mottled couple!

I call the roo "chaps" so I need a name for the hen.
I also have some cochin and cochin crosses.

These two don't have names yet since I'm running out of ideas. haha
I call the roo "chaps" so I need a name for the hen.
I also have some cochin and cochin crosses.
chinks -- short, fringed chaps that reach below the knee and are often open behind the leg. Rancher Les Stewart said that chinks may have originated when a buckaroo's well-worn old chaps were cut back in an attempt to salvage something of value. Whatever the origin, chinks are easy to pack and more comfortable than full-length designs in hot weather.
chaps -- pronounced "shaps"; leather leg coverings of various styles worn by working buckaroos when riding in brush or sage, for warmth in the winter, and for "show" in rodeos or parades. The word comes from the Mexican-Spanish chaparreras. There are several different styles: shotgun chaps, hair
chaps (woolies), batwing chaps, stove-pipe chaps, and chinks, reflecting different regional traditions as well as changing fashions and personal preferences within the same region.
Nancy, I just got on a computer with a screen I can actually see what I need with. I also noticed he had black in his tail feathers,...... could be a start to a nice Red Tailed project. Specially with such good feathering.

Do you mean Black Tailed Red? That would be a challenge, wouldn't it? Is there anyone who raises them anymore?
I wouldn't mind finding him some Black Tailed Red hens... if they're out there

Until then I'll be using him in a Calico pen
What a shame Nancy, I had a red pullet I sold to someone just wanting yard candy. She sould have helped you out with that black tailed red project. I have a black tailed buff in my MFC/Calico flock, too...
Announcement regarding the Cochin Breeder Directory on BYC:

My sincerest apologies to everyone that has contributed and supported the Cochin Breeder Directory over the past couple of years. BYC has a new policy that we can no longer edit the first post of our own threads.

They have a few suggestions, but none that appeal to me at the moment. I'm unsure of what to do next.


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