Cochin Thread!!!

LOL I don't know if I can dangle them by their necks. It scares me. When I buy chicks from Alan (Heartland) he just grabs them up any old way. I don't react but it freaks me out. It looks like their little necks would snap. All the chicks I have ever gotten from him are healthy and physically fine but it sure looks scary. One of my almost 2 week old chicks got out of it's brooder yesterday and jumped off the table. Scared me to death but it got up and kept running. When I caught it, I caught it awkwardly and against the table leg. I was scared I broke it's neck but it's fine. They must be much more hardy than I think. Sylvia
I konw what you mean that's why I hadn't tried it. I treat them like they are made of glass. The lady I got my first chickens from told me to pick up the rooster by his legs and he would com down. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I think it's kinda mean. Wish you the best with your little one's
My husband has a friend who came to look at my chickens, now keep in mind I treat them like children (because they are
) and I have always been gentle with them, they seem so frail even as adults their little necks to me just scream I'm easily broken so it was to my horror one day when I came out and he was inspecting my cochin pullet by her feet hanging upside down and freaking out and holding a roo by his neck!! I freaked as well and told him he was never allowed to touch them again! To this day my chickens see what they think is his truck they hide in the honeysuckle bush lol I think they are crude ways to hold a chicken and really unnecessary mine have always been calm when I go to get them and hold them
My husband has a friend who came to look at my chickens, now keep in mind I treat them like children (because they are
) and I have always been gentle with them, they seem so frail even as adults their little necks to me just scream I'm easily broken so it was to my horror one day when I came out and he was inspecting my cochin pullet by her feet hanging upside down and freaking out and holding a roo by his neck!! I freaked as well and told him he was never allowed to touch them again! To this day my chickens see what they think is his truck they hide in the honeysuckle bush lol I think they are crude ways to hold a chicken and really unnecessary mine have always been calm when I go to get them and hold them

Wow! When you got over the immediate anger, did you ask him what and why he was doing it? It probably didn't hurt them but we don't want people handling our birds in a manner we wouldn't.
I would have freaked too.

I hang my birds by their feet too a couple times a yr BUT I am very gentle about it and only do it while dusting for mites. All my birds know what I'm about to do and I also make sure I'm very gentle and careful when doing it. That way no one freaks or stresses out. They all trust me and have no issues doing so. But chicken people who only don't love their birds ad pets/feather babies don't get it. Lol
Otherwise I coddle them like mother waddles. Lol
The only chickens that get held by there feet are the Roos. Then hens need to stay happy so they lay the eggs. The show birds are held upright by the thights with there breast resting in our palms. And sometimes if its need the get held upside down, but there calm the whole time cuz I do this when there babys up tell the show careers over. There 4-h show birds
My birds get to play outside from about 6:30pm-9:00pm because its so hot here during the day and their little chicken run isn't finished yet. (They are living in a dog kennel in the house atm.) I have stickers in our yard so before we go in the house every night I make sure to do a foot check on them. I don't like the idea of holding them upside down either so I let them lay on their side in one hand while I check their little toes. They love the little 'foot rub' they get for a min and start falling asleep before I stick them in my bucket to come in the house.
My husband has a friend who came to look at my chickens, now keep in mind I treat them like children (because they are ;) ) and I have always been gentle with them, they seem so frail even as adults their little necks to me just scream I'm easily broken so it was to my horror one day when I came out and he was inspecting my cochin pullet by her feet hanging upside down and freaking out and holding a roo by his neck!! I freaked as well and told him he was never allowed to touch them again! To this day my chickens see what they think is his truck they hide in the honeysuckle bush lol I think they are crude ways to hold a chicken and really unnecessary mine have always been calm when I go to get them and hold them :love
I'm with you on that one. I think it like picking up a bunny by it ears, a pig by it's back leg, or a puppy by the scruff of it's neck. I've seen it done and want to cry. I treat all my critters like baby's. Some of my husband's friends laugh at me. And tell me they are just animals. Luckily my husband understands and treats the the same way. But to me they are my kid's. I can't have any so I have my animals and my sister's kid's. Wicth I spoil and send home to mom. Lol
Wow! When you got over the immediate anger, did you ask him what and why he was doing it? It probably didn't hurt them but we don't want people handling our birds in a manner we wouldn't.
He was just looking them over and seeing their temperments he had never had cochins and was testing them. I got mad again after hearing that lol
I'm with you on that one. I think it like picking up a bunny by it ears, a pig by it's back leg, or a puppy by the scruff of it's neck. I've seen it done and want to cry. I treat all my critters like baby's. Some of my husband's friends laugh at me. And tell me they are just animals. Luckily my husband understands and treats the the same way. But to me they are my kid's. I can't have any so I have my animals and my sister's kid's. Wicth I spoil and send home to mom. Lol

Puppy's are supposed to be scruffed, I like to know that my puppy's have been scruffed at least once.
Puppy's are supposed to be scruffed, I like to know that my puppy's have been scruffed at least once.
I've seen it done many times even by their mom's but I can't and won't. I think it's mean. Thats just me. People have their own little corks. That's one of mine.

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