Cochin Thread!!!

Rainbow still doesn't trust people. I still have her by her self but she is next to the others so they can see each other. She seems happier in general. Her gash on her back is healing nicely. No new feather growth yet but she is eatting and drinking well and poops look good! My phone once again won't let me post pics but I will try to post pics if her.
Rainbow is coming along! It will take a bit of time since she did not have a happy start to life, but I am sure she is already loving her new life and will slowly trust familiar people!!! Good work
Rainbow still doesn't trust people. I still have her by her self but she is next to the others so they can see each other. She seems happier in general. Her gash on her back is healing nicely. No new feather growth yet but she is eatting and drinking well and poops look good! My phone once again won't let me post pics but I will try to post pics if her.

Rainbow is coming along! It will take a bit of time since she did not have a happy start to life, but I am sure she is already loving her new life and will slowly trust familiar people!!! Good work:thumbsup

She doesn't freak out when I come to feed her, but does not want to get any closer then she has too. 1 question. I am sure she is old enough to lay eggs, but she hasn't payed any yet. I knew it would take her do time to get healthy again b/4 she started to lay, and I don't even card if she never lays but I was just wondering how long it would take a chicken in her health state to start to lay again?
This is a sad day indeed. I, as a first time chicken owner was thrilled with ( what I thought to be) my two Cochin girls. I now find out that Nemo my believed to be beautiful big black Cochin girl is ,for lack of knowing what to call her is....well...a mutt! She is a mixed breed. I discovered this quite by accident. I was browsing Cochin videos and on line articles and found out the terrible truth.....the shame of it all....Nemo has black legs and feet! Although she has all the Cochin attributes, black shinny feathers, lovely temperament, heavily feathered legs and feet etc......her legs and feet are black and from what I've read that means she is not a pure breed Cochin.
. I will not love her less nor hang my head in shame... LOL . Now it sort of makes sence why she is half again as heavy as her Cochin coop gal pal. Oh well live and learn.
(side note: as a baby she had a bent wing feather, hence the name Nemo)

That doesnt make her a mutt or mix. There are specific genes in the black birds that prevent them coming out with pure yellow legs and feet. I have bred several black birds with yellow feet, and found the only way to do this was by introducing other genes in to enhance the leg colour. Without getting into heavy genetics detail it is almost impossible to get a black cochin with bright yellow legs and feet. Wyandotte breeders have black birds with yellow feet, but none are shown here that are like that.

Black birds are allowed what is called "willow" coloured legs. Have a look at the SOP to find out more.

She doesn't freak out when I come to feed her, but does not want to get any closer then she has too. 1 question. I am sure she is old enough to lay eggs, but she hasn't payed any yet. I knew it would take her do time to get healthy again b/4 she started to lay, and I don't even care if she never lays but I was just wondering how long it would take a chicken in her health state to start to lay again?
She might still be under stress so it could be a few weeks. Tuff to say. She could have heat stress from the summer, stress from being alone, she might be sick, she might have stopped to heal.
Did you send animal control after that guy?
[COLOR=0000CD]YAY! Did yours all make it to your house alive? I would go get some Life-Lytes mega tabs to put in their water asap. When I ordered my chicks in May they arrived with very high travel stress. It has Vitamins and Electrolytes in it and it just goes right in their water. I hated the first week of having mine. Was so stressed out to go to bed cuz I was worried I would wake up to a dead chick! >.< Cant wait to see your order! Congratulations![/COLOR]

Yes everybody made it! :D they were all fine, didn't see anything wrong. They were sure happy to be under a heat lamp. I didn't put anything in the water, everybody was good. It's day 5 and they are wonderful! :) totally in love :D here are some pics


Left to right - mille fleur D'uccle, silver laced polish, silver sebright


I will get more pics soon! :)
[COLOR=0000CD]YAY! Did yours all make it to your house alive? I would go get some Life-Lytes mega tabs to put in their water asap. When I ordered my chicks in May they arrived with very high travel stress. It has Vitamins and Electrolytes in it and it just goes right in their water. I hated the first week of having mine. Was so stressed out to go to bed cuz I was worried I would wake up to a dead chick! >.< Cant wait to see your order! Congratulations![/COLOR]

Yes everybody made it! :D they were all fine, didn't see anything wrong. They were sure happy to be under a heat lamp. I didn't put anything in the water, everybody was good. It's day 5 and they are wonderful! :) totally in love :D here are some pics


Left to right - mille fleur D'uccle, silver laced polish, silver sebright


I will get more pics soon! :)

Yay! I'm glad everyone is doing great!!!!!

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