Cochin Thread!!!

"Armand" - my 6 week old bantam frizzle (photobombed by polish!) started trying to crow earlier this week. Is so dang cute to hear him try!!

And his girl, Katherine

I've been MIA for a while with work, a trip up to Canada to see family/friends, building a new chicken tractor (Seen below…yes I was going for cutie pie cottage look...hubby is saying again this is really the last chicken house right?) as so forth. I have moved some out to the tractor to get used to it has home before free ranging them which let me bring my Mottled Cochin babies (long over due) out to their pen. I have a Cochin of a different breed I'm thinking about moving out to the tractor to.

Okay now here is the question (I know it took forever for me to get to it right???) I think this is a Rooster (picture below, not the fizzle in the front. the one looking at the baby Cochins in the next pen over. opinions more than welcomed) how well does this breed fair free ranging? I have had one bantam EE free ranging (she got kicked out for father picking and being a bully) for months now and she seems to be doing just fine sheltering and feeding on her own (I say this because we have a kitten that thinks it is the greatest of fun to chase her up on to a hen house roof, coyotes, hawks and all of the other critters that live on 60 acres).
Okay guess it was wishful thinking, once the lead Roo was moved out this one made it clear I could not deny that beautiful big comb and great set of waddles. He started jumping the girls and looking for his voice to crow (still nothing definite yet). I moved him over with the others o eventually free range.

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