Cochin Thread!!!

Different blacks won Ch FL in each show and I was fortunate to own both! The Reserve FL for each show were different Black Cockerels owned by Mark Peterson.

Nice win with tough competition. Big Congrats!
omg what a gorgeous roo! I have a lil chook that looks just like him. I thought he was a light blue but now Im thinking he's a lav.

Thank you, I really do like him a lot. I sold 2 of my other cochin Roos and kept him. I am new to chickens he is roughly 2 months old and I was told he was considered self-blue/ lavender. I would love to see pics of your guy :)
Thank you, I really do like him a lot. I sold 2 of my other cochin Roos and kept him. I am new to chickens he is roughly 2 months old and I was told he was considered self-blue/ lavender. I would love to see pics of your guy :)

He is nothing compared to yours, at the moment he' going through his awkward faze :p
But I will post some pics as soon as it clears up outside :)



He feathered really slowly compared to the other cochin pictured below looking all smug. They sneaked into my container garden today. Then his waddles showed up all bright red and confirmed my guess. Im hoping hes a lavender but he's probably a very light blue....but maybe lav :D


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