Cochin Thread!!!

If you need better pictures of any parts of them I will get them tomorrow.
I'm looking for strong and weak points on them

Just turned 1 year old. Blue Frizzle
Strong Points: I like his frizzling and feel it is strong all the way through. I feel his color is also sufficient. Has the weight for the breed. He also has correct foot coloring and feathering on feet.
Weak Points: To large of waddles. Also has some crooked toes as an accident as a chick, can be fixed.

8 month old Blue Pullet
Strong Points: Good Cushion, decent coloring, good head shape, decent weight. Good breast. Overall I like her.

Weak Points: Comb has to many points

1 year on January 1st Blue hen
Strong Points: Heavy body, thick breast, correct feet color, good feet feathering. Good color. Had correct comb until an EE pecked it.
I am unsure on her wings

Weak Points: Cushion is not correct almost has a lateral spread, but is still there.

I love blues! Lighting for your pics is not the greatest, but I think they are lovely! I'm not one to critique for SOP, but I do have a question. I thought feet coloring was supposed to be yellow? Or is that just for bantams? (I only have bantams)
I love blues!  Lighting for your pics is not the greatest, but I think they are lovely!  I'm not one to critique for SOP, but I do have a question.  I thought feet coloring was supposed to be yellow?  Or is that just for bantams?  (I only have bantams)

They can have a blue tinge almost the one hen has to much blue.
My Cochin hen turned 6 months recently. With winter in full swing, when should I expect eggs from her?

I just put a light in the coop that I keep plugged in from 8 to 8. Hoping to speed things up do I can start hatching!
My Cochin hen turned 6 months recently. With winter in full swing, when should I expect eggs from her?

I just put a light in the coop that I keep plugged in from 8 to 8. Hoping to speed things up do I can start hatching!
Mine are 7 months and they are getting close. Lights won't do nothing to a pullet as far as getting them to lay. Cochins are slow to mature, most start between 6-9 months, but some can take even longer. They are not an egg production breed.
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@oldhenlikesdogs Thanks! I knew that cochins took longer to mature, just wasn't sure how much longer.

Ahhh! Darn on the lights, lol! My Blue Cochin rooster is older and I have a Barred Rock in with him. Experimenting to see if the dot on males will still be obvious on blues. So hopefully some eggs soon to help with the hatching addiction.
My Cochin hen turned 6 months recently. With winter in full swing, when should I expect eggs from her?

I just put a light in the coop that I keep plugged in from 8 to 8. Hoping to speed things up do I can start hatching!
I have two Cochins. One started to lay at 6 months and the other waited till nearly 10 months of age. You just have to be patient.

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