Cockerel Can't Walk


In the Brooder
6 Years
Dec 8, 2013
My cockerel, (think he has leghorn and something else in him) can't walk. It started on Christmas day when he was lying at the bottom of the perch. At first l thought he had broken a leg but as the day progressed he was able to walk.

He seemed to have made a recovery until yesterday when he couldn't walk. He was almost crawling around the place to get food and water not that he moved much and a couple of times attempted to stand. Today he hasn't eaten or drank and can't support his body weight. He is leaning slightly to his left. He is a big cockerel and l think he may have done damage to his legs while jumping off the perch.

He is a very frightned of me and will not allow me to pick him to see what is wrong, does anybody have any suggestions on what l should do. thanks
If he hasn't been injured I would guess Mareks disease. Look it up and see if his symptoms match. If you think he injured his legs, then there's probably nothing to be done but wait for it to heal. (like when you pull a muscle) It doesn't seem likely though, they usually use their wings when they jump down so they don't hit the floor too hard.

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