Cockerel comb color

Little One

8 Years
Oct 9, 2011
SE Virginia
(say that 3x fast!) Anyway, I have a Rhode Island Red cockerel, and have noticed over the last few months that the tips of his comb will occasionally turn purplish/blue. Just the tips, and the next day it will be all red again. I would have guessed frostbite in the winter, but its not cold. Is it common, and if so what causes this? I attached a picture of him I took today.
Do a site search for purplish combs, you will find a lot of info.

Yesterday I noticed our BO roo's comb was purplish. I figured out that is from stress, today his comb is back to normal.

They all free range during the day. Guess I could think of it like a mood ring on his head. At least I know it's normal now, thanks. (Not only is he handsome, but he takes care of his ladies. And doesn't attack us, either!)

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