color difference in egg shells?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Oct 20, 2009
i have an buff orinton and 2 rhode island red and my buff and 1 rohode is finally laying for da 1st time and one of da two eggs are getting lighter color from tan to peach to light peach with spots of tan or da other way around. i just want to know if this is normal or what can cause it. or maybe my chicken what to surprise me with an easter egg
thank very much! someone told me that my buff orinton can lay blue eggs or at least blue tint is it true?
My Rhode Island Reds lay a dark egg, my Buff Orpington lays a light tan egg.. Unless your Orpington is mixed w/ a blue egg layer NO, she will not lay blue eggs. IF she lays a blue/green egg she will be an Easter Egger, not a Buff Orpington..
It would be a surprise when i pick up some eggs in da morning if my orington did lay colorful eggs, that means i dont have to buy food coloring to decorate my eggs! But thank you now i know the guy who sold me her was fibbing. but what kind of hens lays blue or lavender eggs?
True Araucaunas (which are pretty rare) lay blue eggs.

Ameracaunas (sp?) which are descended from them but not quite the same, lay blue or green I believe.

Easter Eggers (which are mutts with some blood from the above groups), lay blue, green or plain old brown, luck of the draw.

If you get chicks from a big hatchery, they will be Easter Eggers even tho they may call them Ameracaunas.

That's the summary. If you go over to Breeds, Genetics and Showing, there are lots of more detailed discussions about it.

Good luck!

And no, your Orpington won't lay and blue or green eggs. But Orpingtons are really nice hens.

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