Color dyed chicks?

There are some vidoes of dyed chicks on three year old and I were watching videos of baby chicks before we got ours and we just happened upon them....that is where I first saw and heard of it! I was floored and could not believe my eyes! I am guessing that the legality of it has to do with safety issues and with everything....every state is different.
I just think that the whole thing gives people the idea that chicks are just things to play around with on Easter, for little kids. I hate that, and the whole idea. They grow up... Just seems stupid, IMO.
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I have to agree that why is it illegal? EXCEPT for the people doing it wrong! One will spoil it for the rest...I can see why people do it...the thread shows some adorable silkies in wedding photos, I am a photographer so I see the fun in this....

they do grow up and lay eggs etc....but don't we dress up our kids etc, for FUN!

have any of you seen the dogs they groom and paint on TV shows as contests? What is the difference?

(BTW, the Bison is my favorite!)
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You are right here, we raise cattle, (horses, rabbits and chickens) we use colored chalk to mark certain cattle for sale, as well as the local sale barn marking
sheep and washes off, doesn't hurt them. What is the big deal? I can see if its a gimmick by a store to sell more, then I am against it..but to do it yourself, say for a 'photoshoot' ect...why not? The chicks aren't harmed and it does come off!
How interesting!!!

I got, for free, a batch of colored chicks from a lady who bought them for her kids and then realized, uh oh we have to take CARE of these things. I got a lot of flack too, even though I did not and would never dye my chickens but relieved the lady from her bad decision. We kept one, the picture below, and he is now our beautiful big Buff Orp roo. I'd say research and research and then research some more to find out everything, good and bad, about it before you do it.


Im not sure about chickens but I do know with exotic birds such as cockatoos it isnt recommended to dye their feathers at all.
They preen their feathers and it freaks them out to see the feathers a different color then what their used to and they can end up shredding their feathers down to nothing because they become neurotic with thinking their dirty and want the color to be removed from their feather.
Maybe the legal reasons for not dying birds is due to the exotic birds? Im not sure how a chicken if its been used to one color on its feather would become later as an adult to see it a different shade and not do the same thing as an exotic bird? I dont know just a thought.
Im not sure how chickens are with their preening of their feathers but exotics are and can become pluckers and shredders with theirs. Its a neurotic thing they can end up doing and once they start its really hard to get them to stop doing it.

Personally I wouldnt dye or buy a dyed chicken. I think my babies are beautiful just the way they were are!

I dont find the died chickens cute either. I find a natural chicken more beautiful. Just my thoughts though!
I don't think it's wrong if you are going to do it to one of your own chicks my daughter would love to dye one of her silkies pink but I don't think I would ever buy one and wish they wouldn't sell them at places like TSC because they are just as a novelty to to a lot of people not thought of as a pet it would have the same fate as the chick that are bought by parents during chick days who's kids bugged them abuot wanting a cute baby chicken and once they get them home and "play" with them for an hour or so they are done and it's pretty much bye bye chickie. If you want a pretty purple bird get a lav orp I have to lav orp roo's that are gorgous.
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