
Before I put this on Craigslist or what not- Let's make sure there aren't any locals who can use these
. Luverne sent me a replacement pad for these 'running rails'. It was over $200 but doesn't fit on my '06 Dodge Ram. They apologized for the mistake (even though they were aware of it before shipping) and are sending 2 new ones! If you know any takers send a PM.
we had our first monitored introduction last night und it went great. ^^ we have two flocks at the moment and once our chicks get old enough we do plan to mix them... our chicks are about three weeks old and the first flack (being a total of two girls, Tenders and Stripps) is about 6-8 months old. they met for about an hour there was no pecking at the chicks und Tenders feel a sleep in the pin with the chicks. (i should have tooken pictures but i did not want to live them unattended)

Samsr: your coop ist great. I am thinking about having the nesting boxes on the inside und one run area. but i would like to have a covered top to keep the rain und snow out.

Dnetschke: is this your chick coop? you keep your chicks out side?
Thanks, my wife says I go a bit overboard on things. the run on the right side is pretty much open air. Meaning it does not have a solid roof. It does have wire up there though. I had to keep those pesky hawks and owles out somehow.
I have wire over the top of my run, too. I never saw any hawks around our house until we got chickens. Now I see one sitting on the top of the run about once a week. (Pretty little predator, though.) I feel bad they're so confined, but at least they're safe.
Did you use hardware cloth across the top?  The run we have the layers in has chain link across the top, which was expensive and very challenging to install, so I'd just as soon avoid that when I built the runs onto the shed. 

Oh yeah - today we start painting - first will clean and prime the floor, then put first coat of paint on the exterior if I still have time and weather on my side.  The thing that has to happen before all that is Bob has to trim down the second door, the frame in the wall was built too short, thought he had trimmed off enough but when he installed it he realized he needed a bit more off to install the sweep, so that will happen early today.  Having done it once, and with me here to help where I can, hopefully it will go quickly.  :fl

I just used chicken wire on the top. I used fence staples and then covered the overlap with 1x4,s. i dont think it is going to come off very easily.
We used hardware cloth to cover our 900sq ft. run, it was not easy to put up either. Cutting it sucks, it's heavy and not easy to pull tight. Once we were done I was exhausted.

What did you use to cut the cloth? Would you have used something different? I didn't want to buy anything special to finish up this project but I really want to do it right and if I'm too tired at the end because I had the wrong tool.... I'm really going to be angry!
What did you use to cut the cloth?  Would you have used something different?  I didn't want to buy anything special to finish up this project but I really want to do it right and if I'm too tired at the end because I had the wrong tool.... I'm really going to be angry!

Tin snips work faster than diagnal cutters
we had our first monitored introduction last night und it went great. ^^ we have two flocks at the moment and once our chicks get old enough we do plan to mix them... our chicks are about three weeks old and the first flack (being a total of two girls, Tenders and Stripps) is about 6-8 months old. they met for about an hour there was no pecking at the chicks und Tenders feel a sleep in the pin with the chicks. (i should have tooken pictures but i did not want to live them unattended)

Samsr: your coop ist great. I am thinking about having the nesting boxes on the inside und one run area. but i would like to have a covered top to keep the rain und snow out.

Dnetschke: is this your chick coop? you keep your chicks out side?
That's my coop. I have my 6 week old chicks out there now. The heat lamp timer alternates 30 min on and 1 1/2 hours off at night. They seem pretty happy in there. They were just getting to big for the brooder box and I need to move my 3 Cochin chicks into the larger brooder box.
I posted 3 weeks ago that I had received some shipped eggs and was inquiring about hatching at altitude. Sadly, most of the eggs didn't develop at all. I opened them up and the yolk was totally runny. I kept one that looked good and one maybe...and this morning I have a PIP! Yeah! It's really rocking in there-I hope I have a chick sometime today.
Funnily enough it's the egg I numbered 13!
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Here's the coop pictures from my thread.

Shot of the coop front the top. Snug fit in the nook of the porch.

Window cracked for ventilation. It was hot today.

lower access panel.

Main Door

2" Feeder tube assembly.

Lower area access. Sliding door, & lower feeder tube.

Pull cord for the door.

Night shot.

Solar lanterns on the outside.
i do like how you can see into your set up. when/what age did you move them out side? Dnetschke

i have my chicks still in the brooder in the huas. but i need to set up an out side pin for them separet from the coop. (i have a lot of building to do in the next weeks) we tor down our pin from last year. i am thinking on having a middle ground or tempary coop for the adulterants before mixing the flocks... any ideals on mixing the flock and at what ages? (still new to my own chickens, grandmutter- that ist on longer with us- just let the hens raise their own chicks so i am not sure how to go about mixing them. other than twice aweek monitored intruductions)

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