
Hello everyone Im a new chick mama as of yesterday. We purchased 4 new chicken babies! Im so excited but also a first timer. If there are any hints, advice, fun stories please share! I also started a facebook group called Colorado Backyard Chickens if anyone wants to join its wide open. Im so excited to chat with everyone!
What cuties! Hello, and welcome!
I would have the door go out, my girls will stand at the door when I open it for them so if it went in I could bonk the on the beak if fit went in.
Hello everyone Im a new chick mama as of yesterday. We purchased 4 new chicken babies! Im so excited but also a first timer. If there are any hints, advice, fun stories please share! I also started a facebook group called Colorado Backyard Chickens if anyone wants to join its wide open. Im so excited to chat with everyone!
We already have a FB group called Colorado Chickens....

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