
Yes it is very tricky. For some reason there is this huge misconception about laying hens. Everyone thinks they're noise, smelly, and destructive. I would rather have a neighbor with 1,000 chickens than a single ankle biting dog.

I second the ankle biter statement!! We had the chickens outside yesterday and I often forgot they were there... but there's sure no forgetting about the small herd of chihuahuas down the block!

I think you can have 5 (?) hens in Lakewood. When my husband and I were thinking of moving I thought there was a website that was regularly updated (possibly within BYC) of different city restrictions? But I remember we had pretty much limited ourselves to Denver and Lakewood since they were the only ones that had laws allowing chickens. I've also got a friend living in north Denver who DESPERATELY wants chickens but since she rents her landlord won't allow it. :(
I second the ankle biter statement!! We had the chickens outside yesterday and I often forgot they were there... but there's sure no forgetting about the small herd of chihuahuas down the block!

I think you can have 5 (?) hens in Lakewood. When my husband and I were thinking of moving I thought there was a website that was regularly updated (possibly within BYC) of different city restrictions? But I remember we had pretty much limited ourselves to Denver and Lakewood since they were the only ones that had laws allowing chickens. I've also got a friend living in north Denver who DESPERATELY wants chickens but since she rents her landlord won't allow it. :(

and then there's this:
Haha, so true. Especially the ones that people leave out all day and night and yap incessantly.
Like ours, just they're inside dogs. The boy will bark at anything that's ridiculous- wind, us going up stairs, birds, etc. Good thing we're not in city limits. Our neighbors are too far away to hear them.

Our rooster is so funny. He heard a plane fly by overhead (well, more like a jet) so he was squawkin'.

I think sometimes there should be an egg classification size larger than "Jumbo". Our hens are laying REALLY big eggs lately.
OK here we go again.
I have 1 Silver Sebright and 2 (possible) Buff Laced bantam Cochin rosters.
My boys need a good home. I cannot have them where I live.
PM me if interested.
Quote: That would be what I call "bird smell", it just comes with them, they can't help it, yep, shavings will help, but it is still there. When my daughter was younger she wanted a parakeet, one ended becoming two, and they ended up becoming 16, as they laid eggs, then sat on the eggs, then friends gave her birds they did not want anymore, anyway, her whole room smelled like bird! Yep, she cleaned the cages every day, but bird smell still lingered!
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That would be what I call "bird smell", it just comes with them, they can't help it, yep, shavings will help, but it is still there. When my daughter was younger she wanted a parakeet, one ended becoming two, and they ended up becoming 16, as they laid eggs, then sat on the eggs, then friends gave her birds they did not want anymore, anyway, her whole room smelled like bird! Yep, she cleaned the cages every day, but bird smell still lingered!
Parakeet math sounds just like Chicken Math!

It wouldn't be so bad if we could open a window and air it out...... no window in that bathroom. Just glad they aren't in the kitchen.

It's not even a true "stink". "bird smell" is accurate. Just something we aren't used to..... we liked our house's smell pre-chicken. Oh well. it will be over soon, and they'll be out in the garage.
THey are cute little stinkers. Today they figured out how to get out of the tub, but not how to get back in. So they squawk like mad, until we go put them back.

(Hurry home, Dh, so I can go get the stock tank; the kids won't fit in the pickup!!!)

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