
Hey! welcome. We are also new, We just got a bunch of chicks from Big R on Easter. We are in Pueblo and went to the Lowes in Fountain to get a 10x8 yard shed we are going to use as the coop. I hope we know what we are doin!!! Please reply! be great to hear from someone so close.

Welcome to the Colorado thread! You drove past my place twice on your way to Loews and back......Well, you can't see my place from the freeway, but you went past my exit...

Good luck with the coop raising! Unfortunately I will be at work, then off to chemo with my dear wife. Chemo # 160 today..
We also spent the entire day working on the chicken run. I had planned for us to put up all the roofing rafters, roof hardware cloth (in some areas), and suntuf panels (in other areas) today. We only got the rafters done! But we started early and finished late and worked hard... apparently I just had greater faith in what we could do than what we could actually do. I, too, feel that this project will never be done! And I'm ok with that, as long as the birds are no longer in my house!! I set up a temporary pen and let the girls just be outside for a few hours today. They seemed happy up until it got WAY TOO HOT! I knew it wasn't that hot, but they were panting and fluffing their feathers out to cool off and I'd had my fill of making sure no one had figured out how to get out of the pen.... so I put them back in their fully enclosed box in the nice cool house. I like to think they enjoyed their foray and they also enjoyed being back 'home' and in a cooler spot. Given that it's still only April and it was pretty darn hot... I'm thinking of investing in some of that shade cloth for the run, as well!
Lots of building projects! Great job people!
Yes, and adding fresh shavings every day will help as well.
I clean it, and add fresh shavings, etc. daily. It's not a poop smell, it's a 21 bodies and pine smell..... but stinks to us.

I'm thinking I may do sand in the coop, since the pine is so unpleasant to me (I like fresh pine, pine sawdust, etc.... but warm pine shavings just don't do it for me, apparently.... or for my husband.)
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Does anyone know where I can find Turkens locally? I am in the Springs but I am more than willing to travel. We had one with our three RIR in the brooder box. There around 6-7 weeks I think? There fully feathered and ready to go out, we were going to put them out this weekend since its warm finally. Last night we heard a crazy commotion and a lot of squawking, went in a few minutes later and the turken was dead :-( the top of the brooder box was moved over so it looks like she was trying to get out or fly up and broke her neck. My DH is super upset as she was his fav Nd very friendly with him. We originally got them at Big R, but they don't have chicks anymore. Any help would be appreciated!

I have three Turken X Ameraucana chicks. They are a little over 2 weeks old.
Yall better hurry up on those coops/ runs. I have not even attempted to get started because I can't find the ground and now they are saying another possible 2 feet! Really BIG Sigh!!!!! Would really like to get the babies out into the coop, but looks like I am waiting until after this storm in case we lose power.
We also spent the entire day working on the chicken run. I had planned for us to put up all the roofing rafters, roof hardware cloth (in some areas), and suntuf panels (in other areas) today. We only got the rafters done! But we started early and finished late and worked hard... apparently I just had greater faith in what we could do than what we could actually do. I, too, feel that this project will never be done! And I'm ok with that, as long as the birds are no longer in my house!!
So funny to see so many of us working on runs at the same time.
Every day I'm out there trying to get mine done. Spent the weekend staining wood prior to assembling the run. Things always take three times longer than you expect.

I set up a temporary pen and let the girls just be outside for a few hours today. They seemed happy up until it got WAY TOO HOT! I knew it wasn't that hot, but they were panting and fluffing their feathers out to cool off
It didn't seem that hot out this weekend, but mine spent the weekend hiding in the shade.
Can fellow Coloradans please weigh-in on where I CAN have chickens in the burbs of Denver? I was set on a rental in Aurora but apparently they do not currently allow it. I thought most of the surrounding suburbs had adopted the Denver 8 chicken rule. Any information would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Centennial is just south of Aurora and they allow 6 hens. Rentals are tricky though as it depends on the owner what to allow of course.
Centennial is just south of Aurora and they allow 6 hens. Rentals are tricky though as it depends on the owner what to allow of course.

Yes it is very tricky. For some reason there is this huge misconception about laying hens. Everyone thinks they're noise, smelly, and destructive. I would rather have a neighbor with 1,000 chickens than a single ankle biting dog.

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