
Did I mention I have 21 chicks, not the 14 I was expecting? I may go get that stock tank, if it's still available. My bathroom is starting to smell (despite daily cleaning)....
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That's a couple more than was expected.... LOL

Yup. Instead of the 28 ordered, we received 44. An extra Australorp, the Mystery chicken (My friend thinks it's a Blue Cochin, and has named it Bilbo, after I called it a little Hobbit). And 14 Red Star Males. After the little chook dying, I have 21, she has 22. And we're heading to Florence this week to pick up TWO stock tanks, so we both have room for the "added blessings".

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Yup. Instead of the 28 ordered, we received 44. An extra Australorp, the Mystery chicken (My friend thinks it's a Blue Cochin, and has named it Bilbo, after I called it a little Hobbit). And 14 Red Star Males. After the little chook dying, I have 21, she has 22. And we're heading to Florence this week to pick up TWO stock tanks, so we both have room for the "added blessings".

Beautiful day, spent most of it working on the coop. Make a note do not pry a nail out of a pallet to close to you face. The nail finally released and the hammer slammed me in the cheek. You know, you really can see stars during the day? Went in for ice and amazingly so far my teeth are still there. War wounds of the chicken coop:/ Had my meatys out free ranging they had a blast. Molly my BC herds the egg layers to bed, they know the ever not so with the meatys, they ran up her nose, under her belly, showed no respect! I had to help. Thank goodness she just didn't try to nip them. Poor Molly gets extra treats tonight. Gotta love her. I hope I can get the addition to my coop done by Sunday. The pallet coop goes up easy till the roof comes into play. Will post pics when'd done. Have a beautiful week chicken lovers!
We worked on the run (sounds like a typical activity this weekend!) all weekend. I didn't have a hammer mishap (ouch, so sorry to hear that) but even with sun screen, I am feeling the burn. We used hardware cloth on the bottom portion with an apron and it turned out really nice. We used chicken wire on the top portion and we decided we hate it! It just looks so messy next to the hardware cloth. We are going to replace it with hardware cloth (need to pick some more up at Stockyards next weekend). The top of our run is a shade cloth which does an amazing job of cooling the area down. The coop is 6x6 and the covered run is 18x15. We also added pine park to the run.

Here is a picture of the girls checking out the run area for the first time. (Ignore that we have not completed all the trim work on the coop). We have been working on this project for 7 weeks and it feels like it will never be done!

We worked on the run (sounds like a typical activity this weekend!) all weekend. I didn't have a hammer mishap (ouch, so sorry to hear that) but even with sun screen, I am feeling the burn. We used hardware cloth on the bottom portion with an apron and it turned out really nice. We used chicken wire on the top portion and we decided we hate it! It just looks so messy next to the hardware cloth. We are going to replace it with hardware cloth (need to pick some more up at Stockyards next weekend). The top of our run is a shade cloth which does an amazing job of cooling the area down. The coop is 6x6 and the covered run is 18x15. We also added pine park to the run. Here is a picture of the girls checking out the run area for the first time. (Ignore that we have not completed all the trim work on the coop). We have been working on this project for 7 weeks and it feels like it will never be done! :th
I feel you pain it seems like everyday off is snowing, so I am trying to work double time. Your coop looks great. Mine is already fenced but I'm expanding my existing walls, should have done it all with screws. Easier to remodel;)
We worked on the run (sounds like a typical activity this weekend!) all weekend. I didn't have a hammer mishap (ouch, so sorry to hear that) but even with sun screen, I am feeling the burn. We used hardware cloth on the bottom portion with an apron and it turned out really nice. We used chicken wire on the top portion and we decided we hate it! It just looks so messy next to the hardware cloth. We are going to replace it with hardware cloth (need to pick some more up at Stockyards next weekend). The top of our run is a shade cloth which does an amazing job of cooling the area down. The coop is 6x6 and the covered run is 18x15. We also added pine park to the run.

Here is a picture of the girls checking out the run area for the first time. (Ignore that we have not completed all the trim work on the coop). We have been working on this project for 7 weeks and it feels like it will never be done!

Very nice!
Hey! welcome. We are also new, We just got a bunch of chicks from Big R on Easter. We are in Pueblo and went to the Lowes in Fountain to get a 10x8 yard shed we are going to use as the coop. I hope we know what we are doin!!! Please reply! be great to hear from someone so close.

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