
Ready for help/advice:

I have an older chicken that isn't looking so good. I adopted her in December from a farm, and she was never handled. So while she has been with me, she is impossible to catch and I haven't really pushed it. Her name is Pepprica and she is about 2.5 years old, she's a  black copper Marans. She has laid eggs just about every other day. Well, in the middle of winter I noticed she had poop on her under tail feathers. It was too cold to give her a bath, so I kept telling myself I would give her a bath in the warmer weather.

Now it's warmer and I still haven't done that.

In the last 2 weeks I have been noticing her bum feathers are falling out. As of today she is almost naked. I can see her skin below her vent. She won't let me catch her, and I don't want to stress her out by trying. But I am not sure what to do. Any suggestions?


Wait until after dark and pick her up off her perch. She will probably still freak but you will have her.
Thanks to everyone who gave me advice and helpful hints! My new girl is finally a part of the group they don't pick on her anymore and she steps right in the way to get snacks!! I'm so thankful and we've already gotten 4 eggs from her
That is great news, I am glad it worked out.
A fishing net with a long handle works nicely to catch chickens. It sounds like you will need to catch her to figure out what is wrong and give her a bath.
Good luck and happy fishing.

Agreed, you will need to capture her one way or another. You could also wait until dark when they have gone to roost, then take her off the roost, bathe if it looks like you really need to, but if not just apply some Nustock or Vetericyn and put her back on the roost. Nustock is great stuff. Smells pretty bad, but any good salve does, right? That's what my mother always said, anyway :)
New Egg Day!!! New Egg Day!!!

Its like a kid on Christmas!!! now watch probably wont happen again for two weeks. I am very confident its the buff cochin. As out of the 3 newbies she would be only one laying a brownish egg. This egg is def a little browner and sightly larger than my batam cochin. So Im feel good about my ID. Although I must say, for as large of a hen her eggs aren't much bigger than her bantam counterpart??? Strange I thought!!
I also thought this Blondie would be the last of the 3 to lay. Just waiting on a 24 wk Blue Andulasian and a 20wk Egyptian.

Yesterday there was a lot egg song talking but only 2 eggs out of the 9 total, but I was hoping it might get the others in the mood.....

And of course I still have this 15 month old EE who has still never even given a thought to lay a egg on my hands. We held out some hope for that the food change might turn on the egg fountain, but no such luck. I only have a small coop and run and over my limit by one. Lil Lynard its not looking good for her. I can't imagine anyone wanting a nonlaying hen, but you are welcome to her.

Good day to everyone!!

Ahahah! My calendar is marked for today for new eggs from the new hatch. It's too bad 4 out of 6 of them turned out to be roo's.
Ahahah! My calendar is marked for today for new eggs from the new hatch. It's too bad 4 out of 6 of them turned out to be roo's.
You sure been having a heck of time with the Roos. I hope you can place them. And just as I expected haven't seen a new egg since Monday. But now I'm a little confused after some research. I discovered that a Cochin lays light brown/or more whiteish eggs. (Which is what my bantam Cochin lays) but this egg was def a darker brown and not very big for as large of a chicken she is. Now I'm curious if the EE has finally started to lay after 15 months????? I hate not being home all day to spy on the coop to see what's going on. LOL how was the show at RR last weekend? Did you have fun and stay dry?
String Cheese Incident was insane off the hizook, Thank you. That may very well be the best show I've ever been too. Some of my girls layed fart eggs for their first ones. They should get bigger. P
You sure been having a heck of time with the Roos. I hope you can place them.

And just as I expected haven't seen a new egg since Monday. But now I'm a little confused after some research. I discovered that a Cochin lays light brown/or more whiteish eggs. (Which is what my bantam Cochin lays) but this egg was def a darker brown and not very big for as large of a chicken she is. Now I'm curious if the EE has finally started to lay after 15 months?????
I hate not being home all day to spy on the coop to see what's going on. LOL

how was the show at RR last weekend? Did you have fun and stay dry?

Sounds like you may need to break out the lipstick. :p

Seriously, lipstick each hens hiney with different colors to see who is laying your mystery egg.
Ya know, I just do not see what you guys have against roosters, especially the mean ones! Besides not being able to paint their butts with lipstick that is or at least not for any sane reason. (You guys really need to get a life - seriously!)

My beautiful mean roo is basking in a pot of hot water with wild mushrooms and lovage, carrots, onions and a good dose of garlic and other herbs. We will top off the meal with fresh picked sour cherry pie.
I LOVE roosters!
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I trust you won't be using said lipstick any more.


Heavens no! If you don't have a stick that is almost played out I'd go pick up one of those bright cheap-o lipsticks they market to kids. That way no mistakes will be made. :)

MM- I wouldn't mind rooster but my neighbors would. I actually have 2 right now but one is so good natured it would be a shame to stew him.

The second is a Cornish roaster. They are only six and a half weeks and when my full grown white/cream EE managed to hop in with them it took me a moment to notice and it was her marginal color that gave her away! Those thing are BIG.
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