
People don't think there are predators near them because they are in a nice neighborhood, or in the city... Man, if they only knew!

That is definitely true for some but I knew they were there before. I've seen an adult on that same road when driving home very late one night. My mom lives pretty close and she had some mating in a tree in her front yard. Just never seen babies or any out that early in the evening. I build my run and coop secure with them in mind. It wouldn't keep out a bear but it would definitely keep out raccoons and foxes.
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I live in town...not a big town, but growing.

The primary predators that I deal with are neighbor's pets...unleashed dogs and my neighbor's cats. Those are not big problems, because I have two dogs that love to run outside at any provocation and chase and bark.

But there are predators that are not very visible. You have to look to see their sign.

We have lots of cotton tails in our neighborhood, we also have a population of foxes that wander the neighborhood at night. In the last year I've seen them about 6 times. It's weird wandering down the street late at night, with a pair of foxes on the other side of the street headed in the other direction. These foxes aren't even afraid of people...I've only seen them late at night, after 11:00 pm...closer to mid-night.

We also have a group of raccoons that wander the neighborhood on Sunday nights. Wait...why Sunday nights...? That's easy...trash goes out on Mondays. It's funny how many of these people, my neighbor's, that truly believe we have a band of hooligans running through the neighborhood knocking over trash cans.

Just open your eyes and see the world around many sheep, so few sheepdogs.
I also want to thank all the firefighters out there doing the hard work to protect homes and lives. I cannot imagine where we would be without them.

I also want to let folks know that at least one coyote has been in Loveland proper as he took one of my husbands coworkers dogs. The dog was on leash and the coyote took the mid sized dog directly from the owner. I am not kidding this happened early on Monday morning.

Predators abound and most humans seem to not notice.
eek. That is scary 21 hens.
Yay firefighters!! We just had a nice 15 minute cloud burst here in Boulder! Cooled things right off.

I have to show you guys what my granddaughter did. She painted the inside doors to the coop. I keep the right door open during the day and I was telling her how I should really paint it to match the outside of the coop...and she did this instead;

Cute huh?
Happy Friday, have a great weekend Colorado!
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eek. That is scary 21 hens.
Yay firefighters!! We just had a nice 15 minute cloud burst here in Boulder! Cooled things right off.

I have to show you guys what my granddaughter did. She painted the inside doors to the coop. I keep the right door open during the day and I was telling her how I should really paint it to match the outside of the coop...and she did this instead;

Cute huh?
Happy Friday, have a great weekend Colorado!
VERY cute! She's very talented. We are in western Arvada and we got sprinkles. The chickens didn't even go in. It looked so promising all afternoon! Poo!
That is a super paint job on the doors. I love it.

No rain here just some passing clouds. I had hoped we would get some too. We really need one of those slow steady 3 day showers to bring things round.
We got enough rain and hail to make puddles. I am okay with that. Lightning too which is not so okay. I guess we will be on the lookout for smolders.

I love those doors!
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I have an odd question for you all. We have squirrels all over the neighborhood (as well as rabbits) and just the last couple of days they have been climbing all over the coop and run trying to get to the food. I don't think they can get in either place, but I wonder what I should do. We are transitioning to an enclosed feeder, so there shouldn't be as much feed covering the dirt under the coop then. What do my experts here think?

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