
For me the squirrels were the biggest issue. The rabbits are not interested so much in the chicken feed or the eggs. I have several in my yard as well. The bunnies seem to just want the grass or weeds nearby.
The tree rats however used to go into the coop and steal eggs. My killer chicken put a stop to that.

Personally I do not worry about the bunnies or squirrels anymore. Hardware cloth or even chicken wire keeps them both out of the chicken area. Could it be water they are really wanting? If so perhaps putting down a flower pot base and keeping it filled with water (fresh every day to prevent mosquitoes) would help.
Surprisingly, the snow here is not heinous. I lived for a long time in Nebraska, and when it snowed there the snow was heavy and hard and stayed around on the ground for weeks. Here, it snows and pretty much is gone in a few days. We get lots of sunshine even in the winter. You buy an SUV or truck with four wheel drive and it's all good. I lived in Texas for ten years (San Antonio and Lubbock), and loved it, but the climate is so much better here. Just my two cents worth.
I am trying to narrow down the area. I think we are going to go for northern central mountains. The summer looks nice and I love the views.

Stelle- it was 102F yesterday and my husband is foghting the Cold Creek fire behind Nederland and Boulder so just a heads up for the front range. We moved from the mountains about 9 months ago. We were west of Vail in a small valley by Glenwood Springs. Just to the east of Glenwood about 45 min. In laws have electric fences in Boulder and dont have to shovel around them. It snows but melts quickly. Much more quickly than up in the mtns.
Where are the fires normally located? Or are they all spread out everywhere. You would think we would have more fires with as hot and dry as it gets here.

Thank you for all the tips, everyone. Apparently, the issue got taken care of and we don't need to involve the police anymore.

Sorry about the late response - this kinda got put on the backburner as I had to euthanise one of my original Polish hens yesterday morning and then almost had to do the same to another of the Polish hens that same evening. I'm pretty broke up about it since she was my favourite and because of the reason she had to be euthanise. I'm kinda feeling like I am not capable of taking care of this flock because of my TBI and the issues it presents for me. I just feel like I should have caught this issue sooner and she shouldn't have had to die.
TBI issues suck. I am still recovering after a nasty wreck and I hope to get back some of my basic stuff (sense of time would be awesome!!!!). If you want to talk I am more than willing to. The doctors threw a lot of big words around at first tand then they explained it. I have lost a LOT of the connections between the left and right hemisphere and have had lesions on the prefrontal cortex. There was also a lot of random bruising all over the place on my brain. But things are working better now and I hope they will be better a year from now. :)
Stupid question here. Will those obnoxious black crows we have around here bother my six week old chicks who are out in the coop/run? Everything is covered, including the entire run, but I had two huge crows sitting in the tree right over the coop, chattering away. I hope they aren't planning an attack!
Crows are Omnivorous, they will eat most anything. They will hunt and kill prey, and they will scavenge...they will also eat fruit, nuts, berries.

If a crow gets in their mind that they could over power and kill a pullet, they will try.

I have personally never seen a crow kill chickens, but I have read other people's accounts her at BYC, of it happening.
Lately my whole yard has been overrun with house flies. They swarm the chicken poop in my yard and the run and I swear they're multiplying by the hour. Does anyone have any tricks for getting rid of them???
Generally speaking, crows are good to have around as they do NOT like hawks (or owls) and will chase same away. Though they are opportunistic and WILL grab a chick if they can, at 6 weeks old, I'm pretty sure you have nothing to fear from the crows.

As for the flies, I feel your pain! I keep my garage closed and yet there are hundreds of the **** things in there. I have no idea how they get in or where they're coming from/what's causing them. There's no garbage or food of any sort in there for them. Happens every year
I don't get it. They are also quite "thick" around the coops, but the coops don't stink, and there really isn't any food for them there either. No fly strike on any of the birds. I have come to the conclusion that it's just something that I have to deal with living in "farm country".
Stupid question here. Will those obnoxious black crows we have around here bother my six week old chicks who are out in the coop/run? Everything is covered, including the entire run, but I had two huge crows sitting in the tree right over the coop, chattering away. I hope they aren't planning an attack!
They will taunt but like what Latestarter said they will not likely harm your pullets. I thought that happened to one of mine but it turned out it was our dogs.
Auntie Moose,
I also do not worry about the crows. Your run is covered so if they try they will fail. I like having them around for the very reasons Latestarter listed. I have seen them gang up on a red tailed hawk and run it far away. Just keep a watch on your chicks when they are out of the protected areas and no harm should come. When I let mine out I am out with them. That means I am not going in to cook supper, use the bathroom or any other thing at all that takes my eyes off the birds. This came after a red tailed hawk actually came around the apple tree (that caught my eye) and down onto a full grown Delaware hen. I was not out of direct sight for more then 30 seconds when this happened. Crows and ravens I do not worry about, but hawks is another matter.

To cut down on the flies in the grassy areas you can simply wash down the poo so it is drying faster by being thinner. Keeping the grass mowed lets the soil breathe better and yes dry faster but helps.
It is a banner year for flies as I found walking through my workshop a little while ago. No food in there either so
. I have never tried the fly traps that are not all sticky but see the kits at Home Depot a lot. This link is to the ones I am thinking of.
Funny thing about the flies here is they are in the shop, the garage and not in the coops or run. I think it has more to do with temps and humidity then the droppings.

For me the yellow jackets are a bother this year as they are plentiful.
My parents have used those fly traps @21hens-incharge. They actually work really well. The problem is they smell terrible. You have to put them away from were you don't want the flys. It's fine if you have a good bit of land and can hang them far away but you definitely don't want them near your house.

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