
Hello from the beautiful Colorado Rockies!! We're in Bailey and just found this group as I looked for info regarding a couple of problems I'm having with my flock. Nice to meet you all!

I have 2 dozen hens and a rooster (the rooster quite by accident). My hens are quite spoiled and I devote as much time as possible each day to them. Since I'm disabled and spend my days home tending to the 'homestead', I have the time to give them all the attention they need. Along with my flock, we have various other furkids that have found furever homes when they ended up on our door step as unwanted pets. Love them all!! I look forward to interacting with you all. Thanks for having me.
my roo found his voice this morning. Need to find him a new home before I tick off my neighbors :(
I had that problem when ours got his voice. Lucky for us it was our landlords advice to get a Roo because as she said, "I love hearing them crow early in the morning". She lives further up the mountain and owns the entire area, still I was worried closer neighbors might not find it as 'quaint'. Well a bit of advice.... complaining neighbors can usually be shut up with free eggs. :) :) Good luck! Hope you don't have to rehome him. :(
We're in Greeley and got our first chickens in February. They have just given us our first egg yesterday and one today. We have four, a RI Red, a NH Red, a Barred Rock and an Americauna. We're thinking the Barred Rock laid the first eggs. It's sooo exciting and yes we too have no life and love to sit in the backyard and watch our chickens. Life is GOOD!
@stain2319 sorry to hear about your cockerel. I had a neighbor complain about mine. Luckily I was already in the middle of moving and he got a stay of execution. Now that I'm in the country he can crow as much as he likes. His two sons have started crowing now too but one of them will be invited to dinner so we'll se how much the other crows when it's just him.

Welcome to the Colorado thread @MzAutumn. Glad it worked out with your rooster. I love having my boy around. He's such a good boy. Please share some pictures. We all love to see them.

@orfan40 Congrats on your first egg. :ya It never really gets old finding eggs.

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