
I have a few left in the 10 week range, if you are still looking barred rocks, buff orpington and one white rock pet quality. They are $10.00 each.

I have a few left in the 10 week range, if you are still looking barred rocks, buff orpington and one white rock pet quality. They are $10.00 each.


Thanks so much but I just got off the phone with another forum member and she has a couple of EEs that we are going to get and she'll take our little guy. My kids are super excited that Fritata is finding a new home and we are replacing him with two new girls.
It closed about 2 months ago. I think the owners saw the writing on the wall when that new Love's truck stop opened just north of Pueblo off of exit 104.
Wow, sounds like a nice setup, lots of room and plenty of separation. My setup isn't quite as roomy but there is potential for lots of pasturing, so I'm going to pursue that with some electric poultry fence eventually. Feel free to stop in! If the gate is open, we are ok with visitors

(extends hand) Hello to you too! Nice to see so many chicken folks around here. Do you live in the Hanover area? Maybe we'll meet in person some day!
It closed about 2 months ago. I think the owners saw the writing on the wall when that new Love's truck stop opened just north of Pueblo off of exit 104.
Wow, sounds like a nice setup, lots of room and plenty of separation. My setup isn't quite as roomy but there is potential for lots of pasturing, so I'm going to pursue that with some electric poultry fence eventually. Feel free to stop in! If the gate is open, we are ok with visitors

OK! We get down that way occasionally, we may stop in!

Cool! We're Neighbors! Two of the kids graduated from Hanover, the youngest is a sophomore next year. Which place do you live in? Where the bulls were a couple of years ago?

(extends hand) Hello to you too! Nice to see so many chicken folks around here. Do you live in the Hanover area? Maybe we'll meet in person some day!

We are actually 3 miles due west of the raceway, up near the water tank. When we finally get the birds, our operation will be called "Windy Ridge Dominiques" ........ In July we get Fountain addresses instead of Pueblo.
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I have a few left in the 10 week range, if you are still looking barred rocks, buff orpington and one white rock pet quality. They are $10.00 each.


Thanks so much but I just got off the phone with another forum member and she has a couple of EEs that we are going to get and she'll take our little guy. My kids are super excited that Fritata is finding a new home and we are replacing him with two new girls.

great, enjoy your new girls
Windy Ridge is a great name for that area!

Do the chickens get safety lines so they don't blow away?

If I see any tumbling by my place, I'll hold them for you. Just put a collar on them with an ID tag

Of course, my daughters think the "Windy" part has something to do with gaseous emissions.............

That reminds me of a funny story....

an old friend of mine told this story about his granddad and his neighbor. It seems that Grandpa Judd had this garden. The neighbor had chickens that ranged all over the place. Grandada Judd told the neighbor that his chickens had been eating his newly planted seeds, and the neighbor told him nope, could'nt be MY chickens. so Grandada Judd makes up some little paper labels and ties them onto the corn seed. The next day the neighbor goes out to his chickens and sees hens running around with string and paper hanging out of their mouths.... The labels said "I have been eating in the Judd's garden"...........
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Thank you for asking! Son is holding steady, but is having simple-partial seizures almost daily. Hasn't had another Tonic-Clonic (used to be called Grand Mal) but neuro doc is expecting more until the meds kick in completely. I'm on the lookout regularly. We have verbally contracted with a specialized trainer and she's looking for a puppy for us. White lab male.

BTW: we have goat babies ... will post those pix in a minute.
Okay... we have goat babies!

This first pic is the goats born by CC early on Friday June 3. (I have the date wrong on the pic.) Both girls. They look so skinny and I hardly ever see them eat. They must be, and only on one teat because her udder's looking very lopsided. We milked the larger one last night, and will again tonight. So ... do you think they are too thin?

It appears Honey gave birth sometime early this morning because by the time I got outside today (running late, as usual), they were all dried off, no goo around, and they were walking around! And much much fatter than CC's twins. One boy, one girl. The lighter one is the boy.

So ... we have four new goats here. It's adorable to hear them bleating.

AND ... if you'd like to see them tonight and maybe help us quickly build a buck pen... please e-mail! Our wether must have said something to CC to tick her off because they've been butting heads (to the point of blood) for the last 2-3 days. Need to get the buck away from the girls anyway (because girls go back into heat immediately after birth and we don't want more goats in 5 months). We are buying welded wire fencing and t-posts this evening and will start working on it by 6 p.m. or so... I'll even feed you!


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