
Well, if all this was hidden in with the dog licensing, I can't wait for the next person running for Council to knock on my front door!
I was elected to two terms on the Winter Park Town Council when I lived up the there, and I can tell you first-hand, there are better ways of conducting business. Of course, you can't get away with anything in a small town when everyone knows everyone.
Now-a-days in big government, everything they want hidden or ignored just gets piggy-backed or earmarked on to something else.
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Please understand I am NOT trying to argue with anyone over what is correct. I only wanted to relay my understanding of all this based on my own personal experiences and what I was told by the people who can actually come out and do something about this. I do not want to get into trouble over this as I am not in compliance either and I have no intention of talking to any city official ever about the confusing regs unless I am forced to by being issued a summons. I have enough experience in this stuff to know that even if I can provide proof of the confusing/contradictory regs the ones that will be enforced will always be the ones with the most current date on it. Thats why our Coloradochick is being summoned by the CEO. Its not right and its certainly not fair given the fact that its their stinking mess thats causes confusion over 2 vs 15 but at the end of the day I dont believe that the City of Arvada's CEO will back down or admit they are wrong.
Well, the 10 ok roos aside, I know that in Aurora and Denver, your neighbors have to complain to get code enforcement out too (as well as animal control). The problem is that as long as your neighbors' keep complaining, you will have to stick very strictly to the code or continue having problems. And they can get very fussy. There's really no way to win. I was stuck with neighbors who complained when I lived in Aurora, and they pretty much made living in the neighborhood unbearable. Fortunately, I moved (at least partly because of that) and my new neighborhood is much less difficult. In Aurora, I would actually see a certain car driving around the neighborhood looking at everyone's house for things to complain about. People I know in Arvada have told me it's the same there: someone has to complain. Of course once you're on their radar, good luck.
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Well, if all this was hidden in with the dog licensing, I can't wait for the next person running for Council to knock on my front door!
I was elected to two terms on the Winter Park Town Council when I lived up the there, and I can tell you first-hand, there are better ways of conducting business. Of course, you can't get away with anything in a small town when everyone knows everyone.
Now-a-days in big government, everything they want hidden or ignored just gets piggy-backed or earmarked on to something else.

It wasnt hidden in the dog licensing stuff it took place prior to that.
I live within walking distance of city hall so zoned for livestockdoesnt apply to me but I know Coloradochick probably is and I agree it doesnt make sense.
They've only been out at my house once - and that was back in 2003 or 2004. It was 11:30 at night - the neighbor (who is no longer there), called to complain because the roosters were crowing 24 hours a day! She says, "I've been sitting outside for 15 minutes, and I haven't heard a thing."
She never asked how many birds I had, didn't say I had to get rid of the roosters - nothing. She actually apologized for having to write me a warning - which she said she was obligated to do because they had complained.

I've never seen or heard from anyone at the City since, and hope I don't. But trust me, I have code violations on every single neighbor around me, and if anyone complains and I lose my birds, there will be a lot of disgruntled neighbors when I start filing all my complaints.
I cant have a roo. Too close to city hall and one seriously nasty neighbor. Lucky for me he has kind of set me up to be the good guy in any complaint as he has called the police on me for a wide variety of peculiar issues which simply annoy LEO. If he does send LEO or AC then like you I will be making his life a living hell for the wide variety of code violations he has. I keep a neat yard . I keep the number of animals I can properly feed vet and care for and keep the numbers within reason for the size of my house and property. I remove all animal waste promptly and properly. I maintain my house and try to keep the exterior tidy.I dont violate noise ordinances. My chickens are my only outdoor animals not counting the pond inhabitants. I do have more animals than is allowed but they dont bark ,they are vaccinated and licensed and they are not allowed to roam ever. My cat is not allowed to go outside ever and therefore isnt an issue to anybody. I feel I am a good neighbor and provided my life doesnt intrude on anyone elses life then the rest of the world and most especially the city should leave me the heck alone and go find real issues to deal with.

Dang I seriously need to win lotto. I need to build me a compund so city officials can spend more time with doughnuts and less time worrying about whethor or not I have too many chickens.
Well, all I can say is thank God that we'll be in Brighton by the end of the month on my MIL's acreage. Shouldn't have any problems with codes up there only bigger hawks and coyotes. I told the CEO we'd be out within a couple weeks but she wasn't interested. Just give us your money

Doesn't make any sense that they piggy back one code or reg on top of another without deleting the old, but like Gail said that's Arvada for you

ps: We're not over in unincorporated Jeffco anymore Lia. We had to move from that house because the owner of the house foreclosed. So we moved over by 55th and Carr St. Closer to you and Gail
And the mortgage company that manages this house has decided to sale it along with most of the properties they have. Sooo, we're heading north to Brighton. Hopefully all will be good.
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