
Dang! Don't get me started on all my neighbors cats that come over to use my flower beds for litter boxes - and this is allowed and perfectly legal. My 2 cats are also indoor house cats - always have been, always will be.
Im sorry they are giving you grief . You have enough on your plate without that crap. It might be worth going to the CEO's supervisor and explain the confusing regs and explain that your out of there soon and that the money is a burden due to medical issues with your son. The worst that happens is that they stick to their guns and tell you no. I know someone who has 4 4 month old pullets by the way if you want them in Brighton. im sure I could hold onto them for you for a month if you needed me too.
I had a 100+ year-old maple tree come crashing down about 4 years ago - right across 55th Ave! The whole street was closed from 8:30 until noon - police, town maintenance, everyone here all morning. Boy, I was sweating that one! I thougt one peep from the birds and I'm toast. But they were mute all morning!!
Dang! Don't get me started on all my neighbors cats that come over to use my flower beds for litter boxes - and this is allowed and perfectly legal. My 2 cats are also indoor house cats - always have been, always will be.

Oh yeah the cat thing. Gotta say I love cats but seriously all cats need to be indoor only. They spread disease, wipe out wildlife,and get captured and tortured by sick people. All of this is prevented by keeping them indoors and yet some people......

Wow sorry to hear about the tree. I hate to see trees come down. I grew up surrounded by open prairie and tress were precious and valued. Its sad when they go down.
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Lia I'll let you know about the pullets, I'll definitely have room for them up there

So did it break your heart like it did mine when I turned onto Brooks Dr. going to my parents house and all those trees were chopped down to nubs. Brought tears to my eyes. I grew up with those trees
Anybody driven up thru Winter Park lately? My Mom still lives up there - no more trees in her back yard due to the pine beetle. Just horrible.

Here's my tree that came down - 6/12/08 so just 3 years ago this week!

To change gears a little. Here is a photo of my recent project. These will be the 4 small houses which will be used for isolation, brooding of young chicks, setting hens, etc. 4 total. We will also have 2 larger houses for growing out chicks and breeding. This is all in addition to the main hen house. As you can see, most of the lumber was recycled/repurposed, with only some being purchased new. I will have to buy the sheathing. Each of these small houses (4 x 3) will have an adjoining 4 x 3 shaded area next to them, and be in an 8 x 8 pen.


Look at the one with siding. One of the two small front openings will be a chicken door (right), while the other (left) will provide removable nest box access. The side will open completely to provide cleanout access. The window in the upper part will have a hinged plexiglass window. There is also a 7 inch circular vent on each side near the upper front. These and the window are screened.

View is looking E-NE from the back of the house. I-25 is about 3 miles east of us over the hill.
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There are still foxes out. I went out yesterday afternoon and found footprints on the top of my coop. My neighbor tells me that their was one up there yesterday morning.

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