
I so love hatching by proxy with you all. I certainly have my hands full this year so you all are keeping me entertained with the goings on.

Sorry bout the little runt jmdes. They cannot all make it but you gave that little one a fighting chance.
Thank you 21hens, the others are doing well, at 19 days, so I feel we've made the safety milestone somewhat.
Here is a photo:

And one of my older hens posed for a nice photo. This is Olivia, she is a Buff Orpington. Aint she cute?
I brought a doz fresh eggs over to a neighbor, since my girls are laying again.
She had a guest visiting who recently came here from CA and is "living/renting" at another neighbor's place and to make a long story short, I may have sold my place... cash... at the time frame I was hoping for - June/July, and at a price I'm quite happy with.
By owner, no realtor, no commissions to pay!
Big Congratulations to you Latestarter !!!
got me a problem... 3 pullets can not be incorporated... older ones took on the beating the tar out of them run them into he corner (very bad scare, did not see blood so but poor thing most likely did not eat for a day... never have seeing that before... as little babies they were in one tub and were separated a week ago when larger pack went outside)... so they are back in the tub, i guess they have to be re-homed, rescue status in my mind, but maybe that's what the birds do...
Is there anyone who wants to get those and quarantine etc proper process? My loss your gain.Breed - welsumer. From feed store on Kipling. Birds got stressed, so... they are sleeping fine now, back in house, not heated anymore they are fine at 70 inside the house, they are about 1 month+. they can not be separated, they start screaming and such even if i take one of them, they are like stuck together pack and were this way since they were little... strange thing, they behave like one bird trio... even when i was moving them for cleaning they would calm down only when they are together. just those 3 among over a dozed...
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got me a problem... 3 pullets can not be incorporated... older ones took on the beating the tar out of them run them into he corner (very bad scare, did not see blood so but poor thing most likely did not eat for a day... never have seeing that before... as little babies they were in one tub and were separated a week ago when larger pack went outside)... so they are back in the tub, i guess they have to be re-homed, rescue status in my mind, but maybe that's what the birds do...
Is there anyone who wants to get those and quarantine etc proper process? My loss your gain.Breed - welsumer. From feed store on Kipling. Birds got stressed, so... they are sleeping fine now, back in house, not heated anymore they are fine at 70 inside the house, they are about 1 month+. they can not be separated, they start screaming and such even if i take one of them, they are like stuck together pack and were this way since they were little... strange thing, they behave like one bird trio... even when i was moving them for cleaning they would calm down only when they are together. just those 3 among over a dozed...

Can you describe how you tried to integrate the youngsters? Did you have the youngsters out with the big girls with a physical barrier between them? Lots of times the flocks need to be in close quarters enough to see each other but to not be able to fight and do damage. Overtime the birds on both sides realize the others belong and they become less territorial. After a couple weeks allow the littles out when the bigger girls are out free ranging or distracted and observe, also helps so have an area set up like a dog crate that is opened just enough for the little to escape into for safety from the bigger girls. Lots of people brood this way and then allow chick size openings so the chicks can run around but the bigger girls cannot get through, of that makes sense,

Has anyone seen anything like this with their hens? There's no black scabby spot on the toe pad, so I'm not sure if it's bumblefoot. I'm not sure what happened here & I'm not sure what to do (or if I should do anything).
That looks more like a stubbed toenail to me. All the reading on bumble foot I have done it is much more common closer to the center of the foot. It is swollen and sore looking. Is the bird limping on the foot? Is it mud on the toe next to the swelling or is it blood? Looks by the size of the foot that it is on one of the Peas.
I would give the foot a soak in some warm water with unscented epsom salt to clean it up and have a good look where the nail exits the end of the toe. The soak may be enough to head off infection before it starts. Pretty sure that the soak is going to be challenging with a bird that is not wanting a soak. Try wrapping the body and wings of the bird in a large towel to limit the flogging attempts. If that is a scab not mud I think antibiotic cream (no pain killer in it) could be a good course of action. Not entirely sure how to bandage the end of a toe but I am sure others will have suggestions.
It also looks like you are a vigilant owner and caught it very early. They are a lucky lot to have you watching over them.
had a chat with my relatives, they would not do legorns because they are 'too aggressive for me' quote... they keep americanas... someone in neighborhood has legorns, they are very docile... so I do not know what to think... I moved some americanas, that went better, no blood, they are in corner with legorns wishfully looking roosting above... it did not go as bad...
so i do not know what to think.. 1-2 weeks difference from what I've being reading is not a critical thing. Does anyone have a different experience? especially if birds were initially in one brooder, just were moved in coop as 2 sets. i have 3-rd on the way, those are month+ younger... now i think how to...
welsumers are eating-drinking fine, isolated, observing for signs or any troubles. they are hatchery birds, so there is no guarantees they are not carriers of anything/being touched by someone choosing birds at the store etc... I do not want to de-populate and re-populate again this year. if i see any signs of trouble - cull. the problem is how do you do it with babies... what do you do...
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