
i've got americana/australorp mix integrated fine, same age as welsumers. 2 days difference in introduction... only welsumers got it. others did not. go figure...
rf- good luck with the integrating, sounds like a stressful situation. I agree with all the above advice.

My little rooster got beat up a bit when first introduced, but now seems to be finding his place juuuust fine. I'm also happy to report that he seems to be charming the ladies, and I have had mostly fertilized eggs so he's doing his job well! I'm glad that he's polite and pretty non-aggressive with the whole ordeal, fingers crossed it will stay that way
. I'll have to get a new picture as he's already noticeably filled out some. I'm curious to see if any of his "dirty" feathers will come out all white after his first molt. He's definitely not a SOP Deleware, but I like him! I like him so much, he's dangerously close to getting a name! haha

In other news. Chicks in 5 days!!! EEK! Has anyone setup a straw brooder in their coop/barn? I got some cheap straw bales for my composting and thought it could work great for a brooder, just need to come up with a top so the big girls can't get to them. pros/cons?

Hope you guys had a great weekend and HAPPY SPRING!
Incubation update -

Sadly had an incubator spike in the past couple days. I stupidly ran a heater in the room the bators were in over one of the cold nights, the room is rather cold the coldest in the house. Anyway, long story short, removed 12 with a bloodring, two from PC - the Brabanter and the ? Egg, also pulled the two W. Amerecauna's as they were not fertile. Also pulled the other clears and infertifles, so down to 29 eggs from 48. Day 9 or 10, I forget. I am pretty saddened by this but it happens. I can just see not incubating because Of these stressors. Would much rather have a few Broodies.

Both of PC's eggs from her Orloff seem to be fertile. :D
well, I re-homed those 3 'not accepted' pullets, the rest is integrated peacefully. legorns are flighty, but they will have a chance to get their feathers working as soon as snow melts in the run and they can see the great outdoors :). It looks like with so many chicken people around it is easy to find homes to chicks-pullets.
Does anyone have any experience with california white chickens?
How do you like them? supposed to be less flighty than legorn, same kind of egg producer or better.
@COChix: so sorry for the bad luck.
FWIW, my Broodies do not have great hatches. There are so many variables, it's just hard.

@rf: glad you got your integration problem fixed. I think 21hens said she once had California Whites and that they were great layers. You should check with her.
That looks more like a stubbed toenail to me. All the reading on bumble foot I have done it is much more common closer to the center of the foot. It is swollen and sore looking. Is the bird limping on the foot? Is it mud on the toe next to the swelling or is it blood? Looks by the size of the foot that it is on one of the Peas.
I would give the foot a soak in some warm water with unscented epsom salt to clean it up and have a good look where the nail exits the end of the toe. The soak may be enough to head off infection before it starts. Pretty sure that the soak is going to be challenging with a bird that is not wanting a soak. Try wrapping the body and wings of the bird in a large towel to limit the flogging attempts. If that is a scab not mud I think antibiotic cream (no pain killer in it) could be a good course of action. Not entirely sure how to bandage the end of a toe but I am sure others will have suggestions.
It also looks like you are a vigilant owner and caught it very early. They are a lucky lot to have you watching over them.

That's what I've seen of bumblefoot as well, but I thought I should ask around. It's actually a really closeup on Penelope, one of my Polish. It doesn't seem to bother her at all, which is why I have a feeling I didn't notice until my Sumatra tore a toenail off & got me thinking I need to check the lengths on all of them. She's walking, standing, jumping on/off the highest roost fine. I hope you're right & I noticed it sooner rather than later. At least it happened to the most chill chicken I've ever met so the soak should be relatively easy. :)

Thank you so much for responding & helping. I really do appreciate it. Things have been busy here (I got sick again just when I needed to clean up & prepare for my hatching eggs this week) & I've felt like I've been neglecting my animal caregiving duties because I just want to sleep! :D
It is a nice warm day today, I let little ones to go explore outside for the first time and learn their big yard, plenty of room. legorns are not most curious and were not first on the ground... most are out, some still reserved and stayed in coop.
i have one little chick with the growing wing feathers on one wing not tight against the body like all others have it, 5-6 days old or so. it is about 30 degrees from the body line. what kind of condition should I look up, I do not know the name

edit: found name. angel wing. now i have chick spending a lot of time trying to pull tape bandage out... hopefully i did good enough job and will check it in couple of days
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It is a nice warm day today, I let little ones to go explore outside for the first time and learn their big yard, plenty of room. legorns are not most curious and were not first on the ground... most are out, some still reserved and stayed in coop.
i have one little chick with the growing wing feathers on one wing not tight against the body like all others have it, 5-6 days old or so. it is about 30 degrees from the body line. what kind of condition should I look up, I do not know the name

edit: found name. angel wing. now i have chick spending a lot of time trying to pull tape bandage out... hopefully i did good enough job and will check it in couple of days

Sounds like the little one with the odd wing feather growth has split wing. It is a genetic condition and the one that is my avatar had it. Angel wing is in ducks only from my understanding of the condition.
The California Whites are less flighty then the standard white leghorn. BUT not all of them are chill chicks. I had one that was scared of everything and reacted very strongly to any movement or change. She acted like a regular leghorn then on the other end of the spectrum I have one that is super chill with being near me and comes running when she sees me. I can bend down and pet her without her running off. Not something I can say about a large portion of my flock.
One other thing about any white chicken really...... They are SUPER easy for hawks to see and take down. I actually had a hawk trying for my hens with me in the yard with them. It only went after the white chickens not even one of the other colored chickens were chased. I could not recommend free ranging birds that are white. Leghorn breeds (including California White) are not the best foragers either. They will have to have regular layer feed at all times and watch their weight as they will run off more then they keep on when out and about. Lean is an understatement with them.

I think you are still paying attention as the injury your gal has would have been missed by many other owners. If they are not limping then most people would not look at the feet. I am glad it is your chill chicken so soaking will be much easier. Keep a watch on it and if things are not showing improvement then more may need to be done for her. I am hopeful the soak will work and she will heal up fast. Since she likes to jump off the top roost it is likely she landed a bit wrong and stubbed that toe. My Brahmas freak me out when they jump down from just a 2' tall roost. It always sounds like a bowling ball landing on the floor.
no, feathers are there, not a split wing, looks like the feathers are longer on her than any other chicken, i taped it, will see what will happen
Second batch of eggs hatched last weekend. 20 out of 22 hatched. I have a friend that wants two and we are going to put one under a broody silkie and see if she accepts it. We are going to give her the smallest one as she is quite small.
The six goose eggs that are developing still need another two weeks or so. I had a california white. She was small but her eggs were the biggest of any of my chickens. I found her in the nesting box about a month ago. She had passed while trying to lay an egg. She was the quietest of any of my chickens. She never sang the egg song. Not once. Just quite. She was a good chicken. She actually did really foraging for food. No complaints. I would get another if given the chance.
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