
with solar a really large bank is needed to run a heat lamp kind of set up... I wonder if anyone of the grid is rearing little chicks and how. we did not get much yesterday compared to last week :) all melting fast. my waist high snow banks are all gone. all the massive melting puts a lot of stress on sumps so. that part is kind of scary... my little ones are all right and growing.
I would agree that a large sytem would be needed. A heading pad mama would work much nocer with this situation. Chicks are looking good. Is that a feather duster they are under.
yep, that's duster. they did grow a bit in several days so... nice and fat looking. they seem to grow wider first 2 weeks and then slim down a bit as they become more 'leggy' by 1 month. interesting how it works. same feed. I can see clearly 2 chicks are more bottom of the flock. and they look a little smaller...
I'm hoping I have one rooster in there... keeping rooster. I did not decide which ones I'm keeping and which are extra pullets to sell. Somewhat got carried away, and then, ups I do not have room for that many adult size chickens. I know where 3 will go, but one hen is sort of exchange for the rooster if I do not have my own. I just seem to have that rooster-less luck even with straight run chicks. I'm not sure how that works out, just seem to end up with hens only... maybe roosters come to folk who ca not keep them :). I think I'll need to find home for 5-6 pullets later in season. How old are pullets when you usually sell them to go outside? My older batch is outside already, but not 2 month, and in heated coop. I did not decide who am I keeping yet...
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My power finally came back on last night around 10 PM. somewhere, just west of me on the way to Carter Lake, the first power line pole blew down and broke; it helped pull down the next one, and the next one, and the next - like dominoes, going faster and faster east until the edge of Berthoud. Yesterday I could see them as the workman were replacing them, all snapped off a foot above the snow, in a long line all the way to town.

Not too much damage here, just a couple of broken limbs on an old upright Juniper that will have to be removed. We had hot water but no heat for two days. The temperature in the house did not get much below 60* and I'm surprised. The two week old chicks seemed completely oblivious to the disappearance of their heat, but I myself got really grouchy (I'm told). Think I'm still in shock. The chickens seem fine, if just a little confined by all the snow.

Hope everyone is recovering/recovered and that your chickens were not harmed. Welcome newcomers and new chicks. It is a good time to be joining Colorado BYC.

@LS: I am glad you don't have your foul fowl to worry about anymore. If, in hindsight, you gather any insight about how/why they developed such a nasty and unnatural habit, I'd be interested in hearing it.

Glad your power came on and you didn't have too bad of damage.

Wow 410, sorry you were without power for so long. Really glad there was no real damage caused by it. I had power out for a while and it never got much below ~ 60 in here either. Glad you weren't incubating... that would have sucked. I've been fighting a danged cold for ~3 days now. It's moved and become entrenched in my head and chest. I can't sleep cause I start hacking if I lay down. My chest and throat are so sore from coughing... I've started sneezing, which normally means I'm starting to kick it... I sure hope so. Now I'm back off to the recliner to try and doze for a while. I have no idea why those couple of hens got so off kilter. I mean I could understand if the egg got broken or something, but to eat every egg they laid... That was ridiculous! After I identified and removed the offenders, there's been no more problem with it.

Got a cold a couple weeks ago, day one dosed 15,000mg of Vitamin C, felt better the next day. Day 2 dosed 2,000 mg of Vitamin C every 30-40 minutes. Day 3 cold is done now and on it's way out the door. :D. If I would have done the 2,000mg every 30-40 the first day I had symptoms, I wouldn't have gotten sick at all.

The chicks arrived in the morning with only one DOA.  The rest of them all look good.  Pretty exciting that they are ok.

Yea glad they made it and you only had one DOA. What breeds did you pick?

Not sure why the quotes showed up in this order when Megs was first. :idunno
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I am a fellow Coloradoian. I love in the Springs, and I am new to the BYC. Raising ducklings this year. Hope you all are doing well. I meant to stop by this thread before. Sorry! :)
Greetings @Kittles from up in the Brighton area. Welcome to BYC and the Colorado channel. Thanks for stopping by, we're always glad to have new blood join in! No need to apologize
Hope you (and yours) had a happy Easter.
Seems most here on the Colorado channel are from the Springs up to Ft. Collins area and then headed west from both points. If you have some pics of your ducklings, could you share them with us? We all have soft hearts
for little animal pics
Make yourself at home!
I am a fellow Coloradoian. I love in the Springs, and I am new to the BYC. Raising ducklings this year. Hope you all are doing well. I meant to stop by this thread before. Sorry! :)

Welcome to the Colorado family, as LS said, we love pictures. How many ducks and what breeds?
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@21hens-incharge Thanks for asking about my hen & I apologise for the delayed response. It's still pretty swelled, but the weather kind of put a kink in the soaking. That blizzard did a decent amount of damage to my little set up & I was actually worried I'd have some dead birds on my hands because of it. Of course, I was sure I was going to die without power from 5am-9pm that day, too, so it was probably more dire in my mind than reality. It did manage to destroy the plastic siding of the pen & bring up some of the MG symptoms in a few of the birds, but everyone made it through. Even my hatching eggs made it without freezing/cracking, surprisingly. :)

Glad everyone else seemed to weather the storm fairly well!

The chicks I got are black and lavender ameraucanas with a new buff chanteclers added to make the 25.  They are all still doing well.

Exciting and love the selection. I have black, blue, splash Ameraucana eggs in the bator. Seems like a few of us have picked up this breed this year (Percheron Chick, Mo, you and myself).

Day 15 - here's a shot of one of @Percheron chick eggs. The egg is marked as RO.

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