
Finished my new run!

I bought the coop already made so this run extension was the biggest project I've done (I had help lol). I'm really pleased! I had no idea what I was doing!



Amazing project...wowzers!!!!
Weekend Shenanigans...


On Friday evening, we went to the Pawnee Grasslands, out by Briggsdale, to watch the Perseid Meteor Shower. There were 8 in our group.


There was a boyscout troop, and my wife got to hold a Sugar Glider.


Sunset was very vibrant. Dinner was awesome, with lots of vegetables from various gardens.


After dinner it was time to enjoy the evening, tell stories, drink adult beverages and reconnect with everyone.

Once it was dark and the stars came out, there were the occasional flash as a meteor streaked across the sky in a bright intense flash. The showers really got started after 2:00 in the morning, by 4:00 am we were seeing 30 to 60 an hour.

The night before, was the 190 to 200 meteors an hour will have wait for another time, for us to experience.
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@Rock Home Isle Nice! Meteor showers are fun. I remember watching the August Perseids as a little girl.

Anyone hit up New West Fest in FoCo? All Colorado bands this year. Saw Trout Steak Revival today and got my bluegrass dance on. Love those guys!!
@Rock Home Isle sounds like a fun weekend. Bet you were all pretty tired the next day.

My chicks are now 4 months old. My roo has been crowing but I think I came up with a solution to keep the neighbors from calling him in. At least I hope it works so I can keep him. And since I decided to keep him and I know for sure the rest are pullets I finally gave them names. The setting sun washes out some of the color on my blue AMs but here's some pictures from today.





Sounds like it was a good weekend watching the meteors. Kind of like stopping to smell the roses in life.

I simply did chicken stuff here. Everyone got some fresh peat moss to bathe in and the Bitty group are in their new Bitty house doing well.

Windy is not so happy that Millie beat her to the bath.
OH and here is the bitty house before I got it finished up and in place. Where it sits is really hard to get a pic of the whole thing sorry for the in process pics.

I made it so the lid opens both ways. Kind of liking that feature.
I have hard time keeping up with and finding my little mil flure d-uckle the past week. I found her yesterday. She had a nest of 11 eggs under the rhubarb pland and was quite happy there. We moved her to the new coop with the blue laced red wyandots. I hope she stays on the eggs. Time will tell. She is quite broody. I have no idea how she is covering all those eggs but she seems quite content to just sit. I think she has been on her eggs for about a week. I will candle them tonight and find out. Anyone want some chicks? They should be mil flure d-uckles. Pretty little birds. Cant guarantee the sex of them however.
I processed three roos yesterday and the rest of my meat birds as well. I am trying to get right with the rooster population around my place. I am down to around 30 hens and 5 roos now. I thought i was done hatching this year but the little d-uckle didnt get the memmo
I forgot all about the meteor shower between my dental surgery being cancelled and Toki getting sick. Is it still going on?

So, had to rush Toki back to the ER vet again yesterday afternoon because the receptionist freaked me out and I'm not sure why she did that. I called to see in constipation was a normal side effect for the med they put him on to get his insides to chill out, and instead of asking the doc she got me in tears and heading to them. Turns out that he just hadn't eaten enough since his mass internal evacuation on Thursday. Thankfully, the vet didn't charge me for the visit after I explained to her that the receptionist had me in tears over nothing. He is on a diet of super bland dog food until he gets to business as usual. Right now, he's at least up and running around with Arya while I take care of all the birds and that's what I'm most happy to see (although, when he finally does poop, I'll feel a lot more calm).

Thankfully, the birds have been pretty quiet. I've dropped the ball with getting Memnoch and Mercury out of the main area before dark so that Odysseus can roost in the coop and there were a couple tiny angry moments. Got used to the sun not going down until around 9pm! We got a greenhouse type structure set up for the peafowl, finally, and just need to finish up the walkway from it to the main pen so they can still have access to the pen and yard. Next, we have to set up that little brown coop in the picture above for the babies right now, and then eventually whichever males can get along with each other. I'm going to have to put some hardware cloth down the middle of that coop so that Memnoch and Mercury still have a place to sleep until I can figure out something better. I also want to lower the roost in there so that Igor can hop on and off with minimal stress on his hips. Trying to do as much as I can to push any physical issues he might develop off into the future as far as I can.

The 1 thing I want to get situated before it snows is the netting over the chicken yard since what I've got now is not working so great. I'm looking into some actual aviary netting (what I got was some plastic, easy to tear stuff), so if anyone has suggestions on what to look for, I would greatly appreciate the tips. The birds couldn't really leave the main pen last winter because the netting kept falling apart due to the weight of the snow. I'm also looking into getting some of that corrugated plastic panels to put around the pens instead of the plastic sheeting this year. The sheeting held up better than I thought it would last year, but, again, I would like something a little more sturdy and reusable for that.

Of course, this is all subject to how much I actually get paid between now and winter! Fingers crossed!

I forgot all about the meteor shower between my dental surgery being cancelled and Toki getting sick. Is it still going on?

So, had to rush Toki back to the ER vet again yesterday afternoon because the receptionist freaked me out and I'm not sure why she did that. I called to see in constipation was a normal side effect for the med they put him on to get his insides to chill out, and instead of asking the doc she got me in tears and heading to them. Turns out that he just hadn't eaten enough since his mass internal evacuation on Thursday. Thankfully, the vet didn't charge me for the visit after I explained to her that the receptionist had me in tears over nothing. He is on a diet of super bland dog food until he gets to business as usual. Right now, he's at least up and running around with Arya while I take care of all the birds and that's what I'm most happy to see (although, when he finally does poop, I'll feel a lot more calm).

Thankfully, the birds have been pretty quiet. I've dropped the ball with getting Memnoch and Mercury out of the main area before dark so that Odysseus can roost in the coop and there were a couple tiny angry moments. Got used to the sun not going down until around 9pm! We got a greenhouse type structure set up for the peafowl, finally, and just need to finish up the walkway from it to the main pen so they can still have access to the pen and yard. Next, we have to set up that little brown coop in the picture above for the babies right now, and then eventually whichever males can get along with each other. I'm going to have to put some hardware cloth down the middle of that coop so that Memnoch and Mercury still have a place to sleep until I can figure out something better. I also want to lower the roost in there so that Igor can hop on and off with minimal stress on his hips. Trying to do as much as I can to push any physical issues he might develop off into the future as far as I can.

The 1 thing I want to get situated before it snows is the netting over the chicken yard since what I've got now is not working so great. I'm looking into some actual aviary netting (what I got was some plastic, easy to tear stuff), so if anyone has suggestions on what to look for, I would greatly appreciate the tips. The birds couldn't really leave the main pen last winter because the netting kept falling apart due to the weight of the snow. I'm also looking into getting some of that corrugated plastic panels to put around the pens instead of the plastic sheeting this year. The sheeting held up better than I thought it would last year, but, again, I would like something a little more sturdy and reusable for that.

Of course, this is all subject to how much I actually get paid between now and winter! Fingers crossed!

Just look at all them pretty babies.
@Rock Home Isle sounds like a fun weekend. Bet you were all pretty tired the next day.

My chicks are now 4 months old. My roo has been crowing but I think I came up with a solution to keep the neighbors from calling him in. At least I hope it works so I can keep him. And since I decided to keep him and I know for sure the rest are pullets I finally gave them names. The setting sun washes out some of the color on my blue AMs but here's some pictures from today.






So what is your plan to keep the roo quiet? Do tell!!

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