Comb & head wound; may need to dock comb?


11 Years
Oct 31, 2008
SF Bay area CA
Hello all. My big girl Proudus got injured on her head and part of the back of her good-sized comb was severed from the head. I cleaned her up & put blue-kote on it and the wound looks clean, but I fear her comb is tearing from her head, getting a bit more detached every day. I think I should detach the part that's hanging, making the smallest cut needed to detach the hanging part (we call her "flopsy" now).

Any opinions would be welcome, especially as to the best way to dock her. Use a scalpel? Razor blade? Scissors of some sort (haircutting, kitchen shears)? I'll try to post a pic later. TIA.

ETA: Here are the pictures.


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I would try the haircutting scissors and be prepared for a LOT of bleeding. Combs are very vascular. Lots of gauze & blood stop powder or silver nitrate sticks.
We removed the hanging part of her comb about an hour ago ("dubbed" her; that's the word!). Now she is resting comfortably in the house. I used sharp haircutting scissors and went fast, and it went very well, clean cut through the smallest section. It did bleed quite a bit just like folks warned, so I was ready with the stop-bleed and also used liquid bandage. There were two arteries that kept seeping, while I staunched, and then stopped after I stopped soaking the blood and just let it bleed and aired it.

I think she'll be fine. Thanks to all who replied. Will post more pix later.

We discovered that Swedish fish can be cut with scissors to look quite a lot like the portion of comb we cut off. That was kind of fun. Think there would be a market for "gummy combs and wattles" candy?

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