COME ON!!! Let's See Some Snow COOPS!!! I KNOW Their Out There!!!

Wow, these are all great pics! Thanks to whomever started this thread!
And here we're worried about weatherproofing our coop for the 14 days of rain we get! Ours needs an air cooler!

also in new hampshire, outside of nashua... hopefully the snow will be gone when i get my first chicks in april (well one can hope, right?
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b.hromada :

Those snow pics are beautiful! But like everyone else has said, how DO you deal with so much??

We in the north come from hardy, pioneer stock!

Seriously, though, it all comes on gradually. The livestock put on fat and fur and feathers--our cat (who OWNS the barn: BEWARE: GUARD CAT) looks like somebody filled her with air--she's so fat on mice and fuzzy with layers of fur. As long as your animals can stay dry and have a place away from a draft they can keep warm and healthy. I wear cotton and 100% wool--silk is great, too. ANYTHING natural that is lightweight and insulates and covers your skin keeps US warm when we're outside.
The snow ALSO makes it easier to vote out the clowns in my county who prefer to use "passive solar" instead of salt on our county roads!!!!!!
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Great pics! I bet a few in the Washington Region were surprised this winter. We had less snow this year than normally, but definitely not complaining.


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