COME ON!!! Let's See Some Snow COOPS!!! I KNOW Their Out There!!!


here's mine. chickens wouldn't come out that day.
Here are some pictures from mine today.

This first picture is my husband using the snow blower to make a path to our back coop. I have 2 acres and it is pretty square and my back coop is at the back of the property. We were slugging through knee deep snow to get to it. The light colored shed is my coop and the run is attached on the back side.


This is my front coop. We have been knocking the snow off of the roof of the run.


We currently have about 30" on the ground, this is a lot of snow for our area. I don't mind it now that my driveway is clear and I have a path to my chickens.

eh guys, can't beleive this, we have the rainy winter olympics, here in Ottawa, Ontario I have patches of grass, temperature just around the freezing point. And I see all you've got, makes me wonder. I am just in the designing phase for my coop for the spring, thinking of insulation, heat and all that good stuff to keep the birds comfy. I am taking good notes on what it would be like if we had nomal weather. I have chosen Bantam Brahma, told to be more resistant to cold weather, will get the chicks in May.

By the way, I see reference everywhere to 4 sq feet per bird in the coop and 10 for the run, nothing is said about bantams, would you go lower and by how much...

I have use the tractor blower a couple of times so far this winter, more for practice then for need, I don't know this weather thing is making me reflect, I have started planting my seeds for the garden, who knows may get 2 harvests this year.

JL from up north
I have this posted in another thread, but here's my temporary coop/run (until the weather cooperates enough to fix up the old coop).


We haven't had that much snow here in Michigan's Thumb region, but that's fine by me because we've been hammered with it the last several years.
no pics [my dad's got the camera] but i want to send my sympathy out to everybody down south. I have a friend who was in maryland when the storms hit and he said he'd never seen that much snow all at ounce around here, and we know how to handle it.
interesting 95yj!!

good to hear that we arent just being a bunch of cry babies. lol. I STILL cant get around the yard....WAAAA WAAAA. And when I try (as in again today gathering up my pekapom from the neighbors back yard since he cant climb BACK OVER the snow drifts for some silly reason) I fear that I might not make it back.

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