COME ON!!! Let's See Some Snow COOPS!!! I KNOW Their Out There!!!


I see you are in MD also. This has been a crazy winter so far. We aren't supposed to have so much snow!! The shed roof is tin held up by 2x6's, so DH declared it ok when he went down to check on it. We opted to shovel off the deck instead. Needless to say, he ordered a snow blower to assure we don't have any more 20" snows.
I'm in Tallahassee, FL and it flurried here just last night!!! But the snow didn't even make it to the ground before it melted. I couldn't believe my eyes!
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Yeah, cecil county here. Its still hard to believe isnt it? All this snow. We just got our street plowed at 7:30 this evening! I was eyeing my deck today too...the snow is up to the railing. ughhh. I bet it weighs a ton. Think thats a job for someone else tomorrow. Not me. phew. I DO love your coop!!! I would love to add a porch to mine. It really looks nice

Lord knows theres snow to blow! :)
We have about 2 1/2" on the ground so far so here's a pic of the hoop coop with a dusting.


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