COME ON!!! Let's See Some Snow COOPS!!! I KNOW Their Out There!!!

Would you believe...this is Dallas, Texas?


I was out sweeping off the roof of my coops and runs because the snow is very wet and heavy, when I noticed that the snow was clinging to and weighing down all the bamboo we have growing around our swimming pool. I was concerned that the boles would break, so I was using the long handled pool brush to shake the snow off all the branches when...oops. My foot slipped and I tumbled into the deep end of the pool.

Swimming in the middle of a February snowstorm? I don't recommend it.
"Spare Hubby"
SWEET!!! I sometimes I wish I had a "spare wife" around here!
Let's see I'll do all of the fun stuff and she can do the LAUNDRY!!!
Blessings, Keri

........and cook, dust, vacuum, clean the toilets, etc.......
This one is the other side of our Lg coop.
This is of both small and Lg coops.
The pics are of Feb 2010 snowfall. Both storms -- 1st one 37 1/2 inches of snow, 2nd one 1 1/2 ft of snow.
We are in West Virginia on a mt. We had snow drifts upwards of 6ft. Still digging out.
Chickens and horses are not happy. They want out then want right back in.
The only ones happy are our dogs they love it --- as long as it has been plowed.
"Spare Hubby"
SWEET!!! I sometimes I wish I had a "spare wife" around here!
Let's see I'll do all of the fun stuff and she can do the LAUNDRY!!!
Blessings, Keri

........and cook, dust, vacuum, clean the toilets, etc.......

YEP!!! You know what I'm talkin about!(LOL) Blessings, Keri
NO WAY!!! That's incredible!!!!(The snow I mean not you falling into the POOL!!!(LOL)
Keene's coop :

about the 1/2 naked hubby in Keri78's picture. i was wondering if you rent him out to build coops dressed like that. i would like to watch him build my coop with his shirt off.

Ok Girls!!! I KNOW we've all been snowed in for a LONG time now but settle down!(LOL)
And I keep him way too busy around here...shirtless and working like crazy and he keeps me barefoot & pregnant!!!(LOL)
Just JOKING!!! We have 4 boys and we think we're officially both "Insane & DONE!!!!" Blessings, Keri​
Here when the weather gets cold enough we just walk over the top of the snow lol

Looks like his chickens are VERY warm in there...snow is a great insulator

I was wondering if the path I've made on top of all this snow was a bright idea or not. Hoping it doesnt turn into an icy gauntlet of a path. I just couldnt shovel anymore. DBF made a nice path to the driveway....buggers. anyway, glad to see your post. I guess you do what ya gotta do! :) maybe I'll throw something on it if it gets too slick....

oh no elmo! OMG how WAS IT? did you feel like you were fishing for crabs in the bering sea? brrrrrrrr
I lost fencing around one run- not a big deal, as those girls never stay in the run anyway. The covered run will have to be redone.. Its full of icy snow and sagging. Several of the posts are leaning. Luckily, the snow is deeper than the chickens, so I dont have to worry about them running under it and getting impaled on the icicles that keep forming.

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