Complicated Hen

I would tend to give the vitamins rather than the Corid, since she is weak and anemic. I forgot that you had already had a fecal float, and you said it was negative.
Enteritis, an intestinal infection may cause bloody droppings, as well as capillary worms. It might be good to get some droppings checked by a vet. It may require a gram stain to look for enteritis. Just mention it to the vet.
I did. 2 different droppings. I will see if another vet will be available tomorrow.
Corid is powder.
Here is a video of her. She did eat some yogurt. While eating, her beak seems a little off to me. She did go nuts the day I brought her home and split the side of her top beak. Everything seems to be healing nicely though.
She should drink the mixed Corid water fine without sugar added.
Have you treated her for lice/mites? What did you use?

Photos of her poop would be good too.
She was treated prior to me getting her and I have treated her w/ Sevin Dust. I have not seen any evidence of mites. Her last 2 poops, appeared to be almost normal :fl When I get a good pic, I will post it. These are her previous ones from Wednesday and Thursday, respectively.

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