Complicated Hen

She still want touch her feed. Should I just keep feeding her what she will eat? Yogurt, eggs and tuna? She has had some twitches and weird jerky movements. Maybe all chickens do that at times? I have been so hyper focused on her for 7 days. She is taking time to preen herself up this morning, so that is an improvement.
Can you offer some cottage cheese—about an ounce, or some buttermilk and a spoonful of cooked rice? Either of those may help with diarrhea. I would take her or some droppings in to the vet for another fecal test to look for capillary worms, coccidiosis, and one for enteritis (if the vet can do that.) That would be to look for clostridium.
How long has she had the Corid?
Do you have a vet that can do some testing to check for infection like Enteritis?
I started Corid Thursday evening.

Can you offer some cottage cheese—about an ounce, or some buttermilk and a spoonful of cooked rice? Either of those may help with diarrhea. I would take her or some droppings in to the vet for another fecal test to look for capillary worms, coccidiosis, and one for enteritis (if the vet can do that.) That would be to look for clostridium.
She loves greek yogurt (my yogurt has more protein than cottage cheese) and buttermilk. I will see what vet is in today. Last week the vet said there was no coccidosis.
The cottage cheese curds are what might help the diarrhea. I worked as a pediatric nurse and we fed both cottage cheese and rice to help firm up stools in kids with gastroenteritis or diarrhea. I use plain greek yogurt as well for probiotics, but the cottage cheese has both those and may firm up poops.
I just checked her crop and it is mushy, but not full. Could that be because of eating a soft egg for lunch? I looked inside her beak and that looks normal. I have a fresh poop to take to the vet too.
I just checked her crop and it is mushy, but not full. Could that be because of eating a soft egg for lunch? I looked inside her beak and that looks normal. I have a fresh poop to take to the vet too.
It's really hard to gauge the crop during the day when they have been eating/drinking. Re-check it first thing in the morning before she eats/drinks - it should be empty.

Glad you are taking a sample to the vet, let us know what you find out.

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