Confessions: Animal Hoarding, Animal Planet, Jan 14th, about chickens!

They have not yet found homes for all the roosters. Here is a post from today's Sacramento craigslist. Animal Place is not far from here. If you are interested in donating time or money or adopting any of the roosters, check out this craigslist ad.

You can also find out more information by simply going to and fill out an application to adopt one of their animals/roosters.
Wealth doesn't mean a person isn't a hoarder, but it does make it less likely that the situation would become one needing intervention. On these shows, the houses have often become unlivable and/or there are children involved. I think one of the problems with these shows is that they're trying to do too much too fast. Of course, it is upsetting. I understand the hoarders who crumble and cry are easier for most people to sympathize with, but I still sympathize with the woman who got angry.

I think you are right. I am not sure that coming on to private property and taking something away is the best thing to do. There are organizations in my neck of the woods that will go as a group out to people who obviously need help and sometimes they have pets, they will help that person by talking to them and helping them see there are people out there who don't just want to take away what they feel they own but truly want to help them. For example there is a woman near my home who has several dogs and they were always getting hit on the highway and she is well know as a hoarder of dogs. A local group went out to her home and instead of bringing cameras and cops they brought fencing material and built her a fenced yard. She was so overwhelmed by their actions and did not get defensive which allowed an opportunity for her to voluntarily give up some of her dogs and allow them to be spayed and neutered. I hear stories on this site and others that absolutely make me cringe, and these people claim they are helping. I believe that if someone came on to their property told them you are doing something "we" don't approve of they would react no different than that poor woman on that reality show did when they come on her property. We have a lot of civil rights in this country one of which is pursuit of happiness which can seem very odd to an opposing view but it is a right and with the exception of certain circumstances like when children are involved I see that right being violated. It is not the job of a citizen to trespass on private property and take something that is for the law to do, they use to call that vigilantism.
This raises the question of whether laws that limit the number of dogs, cats, etc. a person may own are really honoring our civil rights.

I have a friend who lives alone and has an unknown number of cats in her house, probably 30 or 40. All have the run of the house. For years she took in injured or crippled feral cats; she did stop taking them in a few years ago. She has all males neutered. The cats use litter boxes which she cleans regularly. She also has a housekeeper in once a week. As I understand it, she is violating a law, but in her case this seems unfair. All my cats and dogs have been rescues from one source or another but I've never exceeded maybe 6 total. I can sympathize with her, though, as there is a large feral colony of cats near her, and she has a neighbor who shoots them -- and he is a bad shot.

Every case is different.
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All we have to do is look to Europe especially Great Britain they have given and/or voted away a ton of their civil rights and they have more or less a police state. It sounds like she is in pursuit of her happiness and as long as she can afford them then I have no problem with that. I raise and sell chickens sort of a glorified hobby and my roosters I sell( instead of gassing them) to pay for the care of the ones I keep. The fine folks who buy them are very happy to get them for what ever reason. The people that wrote our laws concerning civil rights did not do so overnite there was concern for oppression in light of the times and there is always going to be someone out there trying to take that away and they knew that. Most people could not tell you what thier civil rights are!!
The laws are designed to give the authorities a way to deal with nuisances. The number they set is pretty arbitrary. It's whatever number the lawgivers thought the average person could handle. It's also to prevent puppy and kitty mills. No reasonable person is in favor of those. If your friend isn't causing problems, the authorities have plenty of real problems to deal with, and will leave her alone.

Well you should know then that it is near impossible to own a gun there which here it is allowed and confirmed by our 2nd amendment right behind the first, the one you are using right now. Americans have no idea what it is like to live under a monarchy system of government and it was pressure from the United States government that has brought civil rights to the world. You are right about there being no comparison in the Asian countries there would be no such thing as a chicken rescue more like securing the next meal.
I didn't read through all of this. Was Happy Chooks on this episode?

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