Confessions: Animal Hoarding, Animal Planet, Jan 14th, about chickens!

I was so happy to see those birds going to good homes! I could totally sympathise with the guy who raised them....There but by the Grace of God go I. I do have a lot more self control over my bird hobby, but...who can say what we might do in different (and extreme) circumstances? Its all about misdirected, mismanaged compassion. My hat is off to all you animal rescue folks, the keeper of the birds was rescued too, and very tenderly. Thank you!!!
I believe you are a little misinformed about laws concerning livestock and pets. Other than municipal city codes that allow a certain # of animal for various reasons the laws are there for setting a standard of minimum care in most if not all states as the penalty with any teeth is the abuse or neglect charge. In rural areas there are no limits on how many chickens that a person can have as long as they meet the minimum care. Now this is where certain people come in to the picture and tell you that you don't meet their view of minimum care and now we have an issue of a citizen or organization infringing on someone else's civil rights. To put this issue in an easy to understand perspective losing your civil rights are like erosion nobody notices the damage until they are gone, you wake up one day and someone tells you that now after years of doing something one way now you have to do it MY way like for instance what happened in California recently. One of the problems with passing laws like the one about minimum space for a chicken is the unintended reactions that happen I mean every time a new anti-gun law is passed what happens? Ya, you got it gun sales go up, any reason to think different about passing laws restricting chicken ownership. Portland Oregon has a 4 bird limit most people I know that live in Portland own way more than 4.Every time I hear of a rescue especially when they say "Oh but they were free ranging in a rural area" duh is not that what a chicken does I think of the following; "Who changed the truth of God into a lie and WORSHIPPED and SERVED the creature more than the Creator.
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I got the wrong program I was watching the tv show hoarders, they had one with bunnies and rabbits. The one with Gary Kathy and Hannah. If anyone watched that can you please tell me that they got all the animals from that woman. I am shocked with the way she was treating them. The pregnant goat who couldnt put her foot down, the way she was so determined that the ducks where not allowed near water.
Oh, man! This sounds like an awesome show! I would love to watch it! I love seeing animals get rescued and healed.

Unfortunately, I can't.
I don't have cable, and thus, don't have Animal Planet. Darn!
My son told me that in his college class they learned that watching television reality shows produced some of the lowest levels of brain activity of all the shows and people studied.
I just watched this show for the first time last night and wanted to commend y'all on a job well done!!! It makes me very proud to be part of such a caring "family" here on BYC!!


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