conflicting info on safeguard horse paste…?

its either roundworm or cecal i couldn’t tell and no i don’t need to eat the eggs
For large round worms & cecal worms, you can give 0.23 ml per pound once and repeat in 10 days. Egg withdrawal is recommended.

Note that the dose is 0.23 ml per pound, not 0.023ml pound.
A five-pound hen will get ~1.14 ml

Does that help?
a couple older threads on byc. also saw a thread from 2022 that said round worms only dose once repeat in 10 days but for all other worms (except) tape , dose 5 days in a row. since i don’t know if mine are cecal or round should i go the 5 days ?
Both cecal and roundworms can be treated with a one-day dose followed by another dose in 10 days. Let me go look for my pictures.
The dose of 0.23 ml per pound = 50 mg/kg



Capillary worms need *five* days
Both cecal and roundworms can be treated with a one-day dose followed by another dose in 10 days. Let me go look for my pictures.
i’ve been struggling with stubborn slow/impacted crop with my other hen, now i’m wondering if it’s worm related. ive been trying EVERYthing,,,i’ve not seen her poop any out but wondering if she had some other worm …would the 1 day repeat 10 day program cover ‘mystery’ worms ?

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