Conflicting theories on if chickens will fly over my fence

If your worried you can clip their wings. There are many sites on line you could look at.
My chickens roost 12+ feet off the ground. Since they free range in warm weather, and I'm worried about predators I haven't clipped mine. I'll consider it next sumer if they don't stay off my clothesline!
Is some of this "breed" dependent?
I also live "in town" and I tried to pick breeds that were somewhat larger, not known as flyers or high strung.
I have a 6' soild board fence - I also have a covered dog run 7x10 reinforced with chicken wire and bird netting. And their "hen house" is insdie of that. But durning the day the 3 girls roam a 40x50' part of my back yard. they RUN and flap but have never tried to fly. I did however clip their wings when they were younger, they are now 11 months old.
CS - who is looking forward to an expanded chicken yard and flock this spring!
I aggree with Patandchickens statment -

a) unless they are meat birds, your chickens will be perfectly well able to fly over a 4' fence, and

b) there is absolutely no way to predict whether or not they will choose to do so on any given day (or ever).
suspecting that a lot depends on how sedate a breed they are and how bored (or hungry) they are within their yard.

Standard breeds can fly. Large breeds can fly.
My quite sizeable Jersey Giant rooster goes right up to roost on the rafters in my coop which are 8 feet up. He does so with no problem, and in short order.
Now coming down it's more like someone dropped a sack of potatoes, but thats another thing.
Just last night my leghorn roo flew to the top of a 7 ft. pole we set for the future run, did a lovely cockadoodledooo and flew down. I have also seen him on top of the coop . So I believe your chickens will fly over a 4 ft. fence.
You will have to just play it by ear. They all will be able to jump that fence if they felt like it, but it is a matter of IF they want to. Even if you clip a wing, where there's a will, theres a way. If they are happy in their run, doubt they will go out. Keep em busy and they will learn it is a safe place to be.
I can't imagine how some people can get away with 4' high fencing.

My birds are mostly heavy breeds, Barred Rocks & Buff Orpingtons, etc. and they treat 4' fences like they were not even there. In fact, they often jump up there just to get a better view of their surroundings.

A 6' high fence will keep them in but for the lighter breeds even that isn't enough. I have a Golden Polish rooster that will regularly fly up on the roof of his coop which is 8' high. From there he sails across the yard and lands on the ground about 40' away. When he decides to come back to the coop he just flies over the 6'high fence to get back unto the run.
in my experience...some do and some won't. I had barred rocks who would NEVER stay home. when they got out, the others tended to follow. I would cover the top if it were mine.
I'm starting to feel like i might have been livin' on a bit o luck last year. Our back fence is 6' and has a loose dog, so thank god they have not gone over that fence!!! The front of the coop's run is 4' at one spot and about 3' at another spot. They really must feel there is enough in the big area we have fenced in to be happy. But all these stories are making me nervous now
I have made it one full year without losing one single bird!!!!! I hope they dont test boundries this year

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