Confused about NPIP Testing (NC)


In the Brooder
Jul 9, 2020
North Carolina
I was planning to have my flock tested late last year, but it was bumped to early February. While scheduling yesterday, the tester mentioned that many flocks had been quarantined for MG recently - which I didn't think was included in the certification. None of my birds or current flocks have shown any respiratory symptoms, but MG is supposedly very common in my state to the point where most are said to already be carriers. All my birds came from NPIP Certified flocks in the state, but I always assumed there was a possibility some were carriers of MG given how common it is. So now I'm a little anxious that I could fail testing if any of my birds are carriers...and I'm getting mixed information about whether MG is included in the NPIP certification testing. It also looks like the USDA updated the program last year...could that have something to do with it?

I'm hoping someone can shed some light on this for me.
Wondering what the need for NPIP is for you. Do you sell birds or hatching eggs? If so then you'd want NPIP and if that entails testing for MG in your state then you'd want to know the state of health your flock is. Especially if you pass on birds or hatching eggs to others.

I get being nervous but in all honesty if you don't plan on keeping a closed flock you need to ensure your birds are free of disease. It's a situation where ignorance would not be bliss.
Wondering what the need for NPIP is for you. Do you sell birds or hatching eggs? If so then you'd want NPIP and if that entails testing for MG in your state then you'd want to know the state of health your flock is. Especially if you pass on birds or hatching eggs to others.

I get being nervous but in all honesty if you don't plan on keeping a closed flock you need to ensure your birds are free of disease. It's a situation where ignorance would not be bliss.
You're absolutely right, ignorance would not be bliss. I do plan to sell chicks and hatching eggs. I practice rigorous biosecurity since starting these flocks and I never attend flock swaps or other things knowing how common MG is in my state, but that won't stop me from worrying over it. I've gotten mixed information from local breeders - most of which are NPIP in regards to MG. Most say breeding for resistance is better, as they had previously had to cull their flocks and start over multiple times upon testing for MG and testing positive. On the other hand, that seems dishonest if they're shipping to other states where it may not be so prevalent without disclosing it. So I'm torn on whether to request the MG testing if it isn't included, or if it is, possibly being prepared to cull and start over. My appointment is Monday the 8th. I'm just not sure if it's included or not, and that's my question.
I came up with this and this (June 2020 last update) in a quick search. My own NPIP Certification was two months back, here in FL. My testing agreement allows them to swap/stick for Avian Influenza and Exotic Newscastle Disease (I understand we are calling it vND now?).

My NPIP agreement says the STATE will investigate all reports of S Pullorum and S Galliarnum. No mention of specific testing for Mycoplasma though. Possibly the throat swabs they took tested for it in addition to Avian Influenza? Or the blood stick looked for those antibodies in addition to vND?

I don't know - I just know the documents didn't mention. Sadly, I can't find NC's participation agreements quickly.

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