
it is, theyre all in one of the rooms in the garage for the winter, its bigger and warmer then their coop, has pine shavings laid out and everything, smells like a barn lol this way i can visit with them and not get cold lol
Little blue made out good she got a custom hatcher that has 3 drawers an will hatch 50 chicks per drawer an it is purple.she also got 3 custom brooders from santa that are also purple an are real nice will hold around 40 day olds in each one.she also got around 10 chicken sadles.she got a ton of peacock stuff like candles an jewlery an stuff.we also took her to cabelas to get a,nice pair of muck boots as one of her bday gifts.
Happy Holidays!

For Christmas, my only chicken-ish gift was ... my Buff Orp named Sunny laid her very 1st egg

She was practicing a couple of days in a row and I thought Christmas Eve she would give us an egg, but it didn't happen.
Christmas morning ... went out to check the nest box ... there was her 1st egg!
Such a fantastic gift, Sunny is super special now
and she laid another egg today too.


Happy Hen
that is hay placed into her wing in the photo above!
Bonnie (our other Orp) likes to pick-up and drop wood shavings onto her wings & back.
Sunny must have learned it from watching Bonnie (she's been watching Bonnie daily)
~though Bonnie hasn't tucked any hay in (the hay is only in the nest box, not on the floor).
So interesting! We are so proud

and happy that we're going to have double the amount of eggs now too!
poor debbie went out to get eggs an feed an water an found her new buff roo dead in the nesting box.looked like he went to bed in the nesting box an one of her other moster roos came in an layed on top of him.he was head first in her nesting box with his head bent up under him.think i was more upset then her he was my favorite bird he followed me around like a dog loved that darn dumb bird.

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