
These 3 hawks were freaking my chickens out a few minutes ago. I wish I could have gotten a better picture but then that means they would be WAY too close for comfort.
I think our chickens are safe from the crows since our 3 adult cats hang out in the yard with the chickens when they are free ranging but I don't know if any of them are safe around the hawks. Just to be safe the chickens went back into their pen and the cats went back in the house. I'm not willing to lose any of them to hawks.
I got crows, blue jays, wood ducks and hawks. I think I am in the Crimea of is always chasing the others daily. No one prevails, but they leave my chickens alone so I am happy.
I think our chickens are safe from the crows since our 3 adult cats hang out in the yard with the chickens when they are free ranging but I don't know if any of them are safe around the hawks. Just to be safe the chickens went back into their pen and the cats went back in the house. I'm not willing to lose any of them to hawks.

I've never had problems with crows before... Most crows won't attack adult large fowl chickens, however younger birds and smaller breeds will sometimes be preyed upon.
Just found this thread. I have been a member since I think last year. My name is Liz. My cousin Jenn and I had 8 hens up til yesterday when we lost 1. We live in Danbury CT. I do a lot of the taking care of the chickens right now due to Jenns son being seriously unwell. I was more of the researcher for her like if there was a problem she couldnt solve with the chickens I would come here or just other sites and look for answers or make calls. I now am more involved. I do own 3 of the chickens myself. I have a half silkie, not sure what the other half is, farmer wasnt sure, a new hampshere red, and hmm the other name has slipped my mind right now. Not good with remembering what they lol.. haha.. need to write them down.

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