
Does anyone know where I could get a hen in NW CT? I just lost one to a fox today and would like to try to integrate a new hen.
Do they typically sell them at country fairs? If so, does anyone know of one that's going on this weekend?
Best bet would be Craig's List. But get two if you can. The one will get very lonely while integrating and will have an easier time establishing pecking order with a friend.
Do you free range??
You might want to fix the fox problem before getting more. That fox will definitely be back.
Hey! My sizzle frizzle friend.
Did Morgan love Tuna? Oh and Capone is going to his new home tomorrow morning. So bittersweet! But Careful Eddy looks worse today so it needed to happen. Plus the good thing is that we are sharing custody LOL. She is going to try to make some Naked Neck Frizzled Turkins in the spring with him Bahahahah!
Hey all!!
Hope everyone's summer was awesome!!

Question for everyone.. I got a straight run of 6 Easter eggers in April. Only 1 turned out to be a rooster. Up until now, his crowing was minimal and fairly quiet. Now,.. It's loud. And constant. Lol. Unfortunately I am in bristol and roosters aren't allowed. Before my neighbors get mad, does anyone want him? If not,.. Does anyone know of anywhere local to me that I can take him to have him processed?
Thanks in advance!!
I currently have three roosters all are about 4 months old that I'm looking to trade for soon to be, or currently egg laying hens. Preferably under a year old.
They are family pets! We want to see them go to a loving home.

1 we think is a Buff Orphington named Daniel, and 2 Barred rock mixes named Oreo and Pepper.

You don't necessarily have to have a hen to trade we just want to find them good homes but would prefer to trade.

I am not allowed to have them in my hometown so I need to find them homes soo.
I got my first hens end of April they are RI reds there still not laying is there a time frame when they normally do everyone I have talked to says something different some said 6months some said 8 months and a few said a full year? Also I have 17 hens how many nesting spots should I have? Thank you all so much.
Hens start laying between 17 weeks and 26 weeks depending on alot of factors such as:
* breed
* size (full size vs bantam)
* diet

I have 8 full size gals that I got 22 weeks ago - they are:
* 3 Buff Orpingtons *** DEFINITELY LAYING *** (Yay Peep, Kevin and Kevin Jr!)

* 1 Easter Egger *** DEFINITELY LAYING *** (Yay Rosie!)

* 2 Barred Rocks
* 2 Silver Lace Wyandotes
I think one of the others is too, but it is hard to tell. We are getting almost consistently 4 eggs a day.
I feed them mostly Agway layer feed (for the last 3 weeks since we got our first egg).

I recommend you make sure they have sufficient water and food. I've been giving my gals treats from the garden (mostly squash and zucchini).

As for the nesting boxes - they say one for every 4 hens, so about 5 should do you, but you might want to go one higher to avoid any "traffic congestion" at egg laying time. I have 3 nesting boxes for 8 layers.
Did Morgan love Tuna? Oh and Capone is going to his new home tomorrow morning. So bittersweet! But Careful Eddy looks worse today so it needed to happen. Plus the good thing is that we are sharing custody LOL. She is going to try to make some Naked Neck Frizzled Turkins in the spring with him Bahahahah!
Morgan did LOVE Tuna! She as so mad at me, I will have to bring her sometime. I think rehoming Capone was a good idea, less stress on you. Careful Eddy was awesome along with all your other birds. I can't wait to see how the spring breeding goes and what little ones are hatched!
thank you so much for your reply and everyone else as well i give my hens treats from the gardens as well and they also free range i have 35 acres they can wonder the whole thing if they like but they only stay 100ft from the coop i think i learned why there not laying from a youtube video but it could be wrong, i only have 1 roosting spot and its not big enough for the full 17 hens the rest sleep in the corner of the coop. The vid i watched said that stresses them out and they have to fight to get a spot which could prevent eggs so i built 2 more spots yesterday so now they have plenty of space and i added to more nesting boxes hopefully that will be enough guess we shall see.

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