
Disappointing accumulation so far in NW CT. I was hoping for a super, "historic" snow storm. I hate it when the media causes such a hype and then spends all day reporting 6" of snow with a ruler.
My chicken coop door is frozen shut. We will need to get out there and pry it open somehow. My husband and son have already been out and snowblowed everything possible. It's all blowing back in which will give them something to do this afternoon.
Just check in with folks in southeast CT. Apparently the northwest got the least of it.

It may not work for you, I don't know your setup, but sometimes hand warmers or a little trickle of very hot water de-ices things around here.
, thatchickschick!
You kinda "snuck in" here without a newbie post. (I get the feeling you aren't that new at chicken-keeping, just posting on this site.) Hope the dog crates worked out for you. It was only this afternoon I got a path sno-blowed to the coop (had to tromp through foot-high snow to check on the girls for two days, until we rigged the starter cord together.) Mine are fine.
We weathered the storm just fine here in Southern CT. I was looking forward to 3ft. of snow (I know, crazy). I think we got about 1ft. I shoveled out the chicken run but I dont think anyone ventured out. We spent part of the morning watching the news but I was definitely over it when the reporter started talking about her layers of clothes. Lol.
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How's everyone doing so far this winter? What are your plans for the upcoming single digit weather? Here in Bethel they're calling for -5 Monday night and then single digits at night low teens during the day rest of the week. I just bought a cozy-heaters 400 watt panel heater just in case. Not sure if I'll use it, little nervous about putting heat in the coop.
I have two 12 week old silkies on my 3 season porch. (they were in an outside coop before I got them) We live on the shoreline so it's a little warmer than where you are. They are in a dog crate (my coop was suppose to come last week but didn't because of last snow storm) I have blankets over the top of the crate at night and only one window of the porch is open on the other side of porch. Its been cold enough to freeze their water. Should I add more bedding? They have pine shavings in the crate with cardboard box half way up. Its 26 degrees should I let them out in their run today?
I have two 12 week old silkies on my 3 season porch. (they were in an outside coop before I got them) We live on the shoreline so it's a little warmer than where you are. They are in a dog crate (my coop was suppose to come last week but didn't because of last snow storm) I have blankets over the top of the crate at night and only one window of the porch is open on the other side of porch. Its been cold enough to freeze their water. Should I add more bedding? They have pine shavings in the crate with cardboard box half way up. Its 26 degrees should I let them out in their run today?

I have learned that our birds are tougher than we think. Their set up is fine. You don't need to do anything different. They can go out if you have a secure place for them. I am on the coast too. My chickens have been outside through this whole winter and have done just fine, even in these freezing temperatures.
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Hi everyone!
I'm new to backyard chickens and just started raising baby chicks!
I'm looking for a couple of juvenile or adult hens preferable silkies but I have no idea where to look! I would really love to buy/adopt some locally.
If anyone has any suggestions that would be great
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Hi everyone!
I'm new to backyard chickens and just started raising baby chicks!
I'm looking for a couple of juvenile or adult hens preferable silkies but I have no idea where to look! I would really love to buy/adopt some locally.
If anyone has any suggestions that would be great

Welcome to the flock! If you have new chicks it is not a good idea to add adults to the flock. They will peck at the chicks. It is time consuming and sometimes difficult to integrate them and it should only be done when the chicks are big enough to fend for themselves against adult birds.

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