
The gopher said spring is just around the corner. He did not say which corner! Who needs a gym menbership when we have snow. Come spring either I`m going to be buff or I`m going to look like a question mark.
I'm thinking maybe the gopher needs a new ESP receptor. We have storms coming on Saturday and Tuesday. Don't put away that snowblower yet.
It's getting warmer, though, have you noticed? Last time I went out to shovel I could feel the sun on the backs of my legs. We're getting there!
It's getting warmer, though, have you noticed? Last time I went out to shovel I could feel the sun on the backs of my legs. We're getting there!

It's a sad day when the mid-20s feels warm!
When I put my 5 year old son on the bus this afternoon, I stood in the sun with my eyes closed with my face turned up to the sun. He said, "Mom, why are you sleeping?" and I replied, "I'm not, I'm closing me eyes, feeling the sunshine on my face and imagining I'm on the beach on a hot day." He thought this was most hilarious and then said, "Mom, you're kidding. It's cold and there's snow as tall as me outside!"

The days are getting longer, one of my girls started laying her beautiful blue eggs again. I know the storms are still coming but I'm hopeful for warmer days ahead!
It's remotely possible that I might be the tiniest bit deluded.
Possibly I'm showing the merest hint of Total Winter Denial Disorder. It runs in my family.
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